either way, it worksJago said:mando or canto?
it's Dakota Fanningmack said:Whos that in your av Alicia? Looks like friggin Children of the Corn or something.
lol, that is some mashing, i would never have gotten thatbubz :D said:520 = wu er ling = wo ai ni = i love you
Yez, yez it iz...JKDDragon said:98345 0934 509835 5439028754 097 80934509348 095098 03948205 3745 08743598 374908573095863984 589 79830475 980437509834705 327 93487598437 5893 09724543
pretty cool huh guys?
i dont' get it melon = '(meLoncoLLie said:087 414