Im finishin of a diploma of business in advertisin and there are modules i havent done because i failed a few modules n i had to redo them and the timetables clashed... do i just turn up on enrolment day and re enrol? or do i have to apply for the course again. Also does anyone know wen the...
HEY HEY .I've heard rumours n stuff that Communications will not be running in any UWS campus' for 2005 and onwards? Does anyone know if this is true, cos its in the UAC giude and also on the UWS website. Very confusing cos i need to know for my prefernces for uni.[FONT=Comic Sans [/FONT]...
thanks heaps!!! :0) im just scared i wont get 90.00 well actually i KNOW i wont...so yeh but thats the course i wana do and the uni i wana go to :0(....ughhhhh..thanks neway u guys
NERISSA!!! you rock! thanks for ur wise words! Cos its really helped...hmmmm seriously i was feeling the way Wohzazz was and now that ive read ur comment uve really opened my eyes.
:0) u rooooockk!!
Ours is at Portorfino's in Wollongong..and we can take who ever we want....but the thing is SOME ppl want their parents coming!! ERGHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! it shoudl be cool cos like the beach is basically across the road! :0)
thanks heaps guys! urrmmmm yeh i was wondering if i could get into nursing at wollongong which is a 71 but then differ to a BA in communication( advertising and marketing) which is a UAI of 90.00 ive heard u could do it....but i'm not really sure...im in yr 12 atm.
HEY MIC! Could i pls have notes on Old Kingdom and New Kingdom Egypt, Hatshepsut and Mycenae. If its no hassle cos im doing the same topics this yr.
My addy is: leochic_86@hotmail.com