This man, he speaks the truth. I work at EB Games and the manager got us to either try talk people out of buying it or tell the about the patch they have to send out.
Can you go to:
1. Start -> run -> 'msconfig' (without this or the '')
2. Click Startup(tab up the top)
3. post all the checked boxes here.
EG for me it would be:
Window Live messanger
a quick google reveals you may have a virus of some description. Update...
Re: What did you think?
assuming maximum stingyness with the marker ill just pass. aka 61
assuming maximum generousity with the marker ill do considerably better, 80.
plz be happy marker...
If the PDFs were made from scans then its probably printing the colour it scanned the paper as. You need to use OCR (optical charecter recognition) software.
You can buy the latest version of adobe or google 'free ocr pdf"