Hi, so now the HSC is over I decided to get a job, but I am not sure what I should do. If anyone has any recommendations it would be appreciated. Thanks!
Thanks guys, I'll try and do as much as I can and wake up early tom morning(don't know if I can get 8 hours of sleep, but will aim for 6 hrs)
id better get off BoS now and focus on my stuff but my memory is rlly bad so idk if i can memorise everything within today :(
So I decided to pull an all nighter for English tonight as I've left my memorising of my quotes/anaylsis very late bcoz of Paper 1, was just wondering if this will affect my memory tomorrow in the exam cuz I've heard that not sleeping impacts your memory or something
And yeah I know I...
Hi, does anyone know if it's possible to transfer to another uni after you complete your first year, based completely on first year uni results??? For example, say I want to transfer at the end of first year from Newcastle Uni to WSU/UTS, is it possible based on first year performance?
ok, not to be rude but that is like the biggest mistake a kid could make in their high school life. Though i do feel like this could have been avoided, i usually just put my phone in my bag and leave it there until the end. To avoid this for next time i recommend before entering the exam hall...
So I was wondering whether it would still be possible to drop a course now that theres only two weeks until the hsc. Probably a stupid question but still just wanted to know if it is possible.
i thought significant place meant a place with value or a monument lol, if i had been asked this q i would have probably have chosen statue of liberty or opera house
imaginative is the easiest of the lot imo cuz you can just write down anything that pops in your head relevant to the question; persuasive and discursive on the other hand take some time cuz you've got to plan them out
i thought this question was for advanced and i lately realised this a standard thread lol, and for standard so far they've always given a choice ever since the new syllabus came out.
If anyone can share resources/notes to help with the common mod it would be much appreciated. I've looked everywhere but found very few(if any)resources on the Internet. My prescribed text is All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. Thanks in advance!