Hi Everyone,
I am currently offering HSC Chemistry tutoring. I achieved an ATAR of 99.4 and band 6 in all of my subjects. I have been tutoring for over 2 years now and developed my own lecture slides and practice question following the HSC Chemistry syllabus. My current rate is $45 an hour. If...
One feedback i used to get from my teacher was to stop being persuasive in a discursive. Its okay to have a strong opinion about something, but exploring the other side can always be more insightful to the reader.
I had a friend who ranked third last in the grade for english after our first y12 english assessment. They ended up ranking 1st or 2nd by the end of trials. Smashed out a high band 6 as well.
You need energy to break bonds, so the system will absorb energy (thus endothermic). You release energy when bonds are formed (because when bonds form they have lower energy) thus exothermic.
Yes I do too. Trying out for med again this year, couldnt do the ucat last year unfortunately. Try and practice constantly, 10 to 15mins everyday and ramp it up a month before UCAT. Ive been keeping track of my scores in an excel spread sheet and everytime i do a mock test or something, ill put...
Given the molecule is symmetrical, I believe so. The net vector will be in the direction of the more electronegative element in a linear molecule for example.
Given your subjects, I would start doing past papers as soon as possible. I started doing past papers for MX2 and MX1 around this time (i had finished the whole course by reading ahead in the Cambridge textbook). Try to be ahead of what is being taught in class for physics and chem so u can ask...
Here is an alternative way to do it :)
Edit: the domain of x should b [0/pi/2]. Also, I have realised that this method is essentially what @Flise has done (their method is more concise as well!)
Just have to be fluent with differentiation and integration. Also having a good understanding of parabolas (eg. where turning points occur, line of symmetry, etc) can be useful. I think with math however, it is more important to understand the content and use most of your time doing practice...
I would honestly go. If this is something you would like to go to, then go because you will probably end up regretting it. I graduated from high school last year and while I did try to take as many extra curricular activities involving sport, leadership, and volunteering, I kinda regret...
No reason you wont. I think right now you're sitting on low 90s? Max ATAR of 93 imo. But u defo need to work on your english, that will help you the most in terms of having greatest increase in ur atar. Goodluck :)
If I were to do a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Actuarial studies at UNSW. Will I be able to not do the Actuarial Studies component in my first year and only do BSc stuff? Is that possible?
Just recently applied for a position as a tutor/mentor at Art of Smart. I just received a conditional offer couple days ago and wanted to know anyone's thoughts on working at AOS? I didn't know that they actually put you on as a contractor so I have to apply for an ABN. Frankly, im new to...
I would shy away from doing this. Though it may work at some schools, it could come back to bite you. It is just very unsportsmanlike and disrespectful (traits a school captains should definitely not posses). With that said, just make sure you are yourself and make sure your leadership...
So theres two errors in the process.
Step i. we rinse the burette with the solution going in it so that the solution does not get diluted. Since the person rinsed the burette with water, acid gets diluted. So we have a lower concentration of acid then what we have noted.
Step iii. The conical...