Hello there!
I have a geography assignment due this Friday and we have to build a whole (sustainable city) and display it to the class. The teacher said we can use apps such as minecraft and sketchup. However, since we only have 3 day to do it i feel like MC/sketchup would take way too long...
Hmm.. I think it depends on the teachers your class gets picked. For example, I had a teacher in year 8/9 that had a pHD in English Literature, so id assume she was very qualified. She also taught well...i just didn't listen in class. I am going there again for year 11 English, so lets hope i...
Hello, does anyone have any year 10 yearly science past papers (preferably with answers). I cant seem to find any online and I want to practice for my yearly exam over the holidays.
Thank you
im not sure how it works but apparently if you move schools they give you priority on the subjects that you want, i dont know about extention subjects because for my school you need to do a test to get in. However it doesnt make sense that they would give priority to new students coming in so....
So i recently applied for girraween but i did not make it either school so looks like im stuck atcurrent school. The school that i go to right now is in the top 200 ranking, however, my cohort at the moment isnt that great and im worried they are gonna drag my atar down. Im gonna be doing...