Hey i've studied some of the basic math first year and second year maths courses at macquarie uni. It was alright i loved the numeracy center that was great and the numeracy center workshops. The assignments were challenging and achievable i think. And some of the lecturers were really great and...
Ok there is something i'm really guilty for and i know its ethically questionable as well as legally questionable. I often scan textbooks into pdfs with the uni library scanners and so far it has kicked ass. I often scan books i actually have bought but sometimes when i need chapters from books...
Macquarie if you're going to be staying at the uni although living costs maybe cheaper at UOW. UOW are Nazis with the internet (you literally have to beg them for it) and Macquarie has fast and unlimited internet. Also it's funner living in Sydney more possibilities for work experiences.
I ended up doing MKTG101 it was alright, it was both a blessing and a curse that the multiple choice came straight out of the online practice questions and chapters that they give you. A blessing in that it was more than possible to do great and curse in that you have to read the whole freaking...
Remember you can buy books cheaply through uni facebook groups. You can buy a more than good enough book for a fraction of the price. Also it's possible to borrow your text in the reserve and scan chapters at the library and get the machine to email it right to you. Also all units are required...
It hasn't had a test in 5 years apparently they cancelled the walking in the park take home quiz system because apparently people were abusing it. Man was this bad timing. I was quite diligent and had a D average pre-exam and had a good handling on the course but it asked things blatantly not...
Hey i'm looking for an easy session 3 unit that is 200 level or above. I have to do one ASAP. I'm already doing a pace unit at the same time so it will be a challenge. I'm quite interested in.....
MKTG203 and ISYS360 maybe MKTG309 as they seem like they could lead to a job
Next is ACCG200...
Hey ECON311 about to do the final ECON311 has been has been an odd unit. Would anyone be able to share any thoughts on preparing for the exam maybe share some notes?
Hey guys i've had to make a choice recently either do a PACE unit for Economics which is a unit where i can do some mild work experience (it's really not work experience but it's quite close) that i can put on my resume vs completing a math minor. I could not put the unit down as an elective for...
I was thinking of doing ECON335 as a 5th unit next semester next sem with ECON311, MATH235, ECON232 and ECON381 . I hear ECON232 has an easy workload without a final as well as ECON335 which has a final and ECON381 which also does not have a final. So it might not be too crazy.
But ECON381 is...
A double degree is exactly what it says: it means you completed two different degrees. A degree means you completed all the requirements in order for a uni to entitled you with your degree. This means that you completed all their 1st, 2nd and 3rd maybe 4th and 5th year courses. What tends to...
Recommended 3rd year ECON/ECON300 level units and topics for Econometrics(ECON) major interested in Finance and Entrepreneurship?
I'm a 2nd year Econ student at Macquarie, at the start of my course i was advised (through research) to maintain a strong ground on the analytical side of Economics...
Ok i live in the Sydney area and most of the videos i've been seeing are from American and UK so i don't quite understand how taking the CFA works in Aus. Is the CFA [URL="https://www.cfainstitute.org/pages/index.aspx"] sufficient for everything i need to know and to book the exam? Where is the...