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  1. K

    OMG Failed ACST by 7 and MATH135 by 10 overall

    Thanks mate, i hope so aye. At least we've learned our lesson. I came up with a tip, always ask your Lecture or tutor for the overall and/or previous fail rate of the class if they will give it to you specially for electives that's what i am doing now.
  2. K

    OMG Failed ACST by 7 and MATH135 by 10 overall

    You've never taken Math135 my friend, ACST101 was a piss all subject really i just didn't have time for the mindless repetition because maths was taking it all. 4 hour lectures, 2 hour tutorial but it's really 3 because of workshops, you're introduced to two things a week in two streams, 5...
  3. K

    OMG Failed ACST by 7 and MATH135 by 10 overall

    Yeah man ACST101, i would had not failed it if i didn't do MATH135 that's why i feel so stupid haha. And MATH135 was an elective.
  4. K

    OMG Failed ACST by 7 and MATH135 by 10 overall

    Well i feel so stupid for failing ACST, so lame. And i should had transferred the hell out of MATH135 when i could have had. That was a dumb idea for an ECON student who was 2/3 hours away. I think i will absolutely obliterate them the second time around since i live closer now and know how...
  5. K

    ACST101 and STAT170 not advisable together?

    Lol i got bored and got to here, i just died doing ACST101 and MATH135 together travelling three times a week for 3 hours to and from Uni (took me a while to figure out a a better living arrangement) on my first semester. Thank god it's nearly finished i don't think i've ever been as...
  6. K

    any success stories about people who didn't go so well in half yearlys?

    Failed every test in my Maths Extension 1 class i was smart enough for it but i just hated the teacher and could not work with him/her, got a tutor on the last term, we went through the basics then all the hard questions i could muster in all the topics. Went to a 2 day maths workshop at Sydney...
  7. K

    I think i might fail Math135

    The subject is really hard and i don't it, get it's worst than that i live really far away from the school so i've had to stick to using echo360, couldn't use consultation hours or the numeracy Center as that could lead to getting home at 9-11pm 1am if i'm slow. There is double the lecture time...