My school is in the 70s.
English - 1/128
Bio - 1/48
Chem - 2/20
French - 3/12
Ext french - 2/10
Ext 1 english - 1/25
Ext 2 english - 2/12
And then I have accelerated maths from last year:
2 unit - 92
ext 1 - 44
Thank you in advance, lovely calculating people. :)
I'm in the exact same situation! I've got 6,229 words at the moment. My writing style is naturally quite understated and sparse and I feel my plot has been fully explored so to add anything would seem too wordy and pointless to me. But I'm still worried that being close to the minimum of the...
Bit confused by this one - help/method would be appreciated. :D
"A 0.1 mol/L HCl solution has a pH of 1.0.
What volume of water must be added to 90mL of this solution to obtain a final pH pf 2.0?
a) 10mL
b) 180 mL
c) 810 mL
d) 900 mL"
I'm doing ext too. We were lucky in that our teacher photocopied an english translation of the whole book for us, which I read a few times.
But other than that I wouldn't worry. As long as you know what happens, it should be fine.
As the title suggests, I am a bit confused about the difference between these two. According to wikipedia they are the same except:
The reactivity series is sometimes quoted in the strict reverse order of standard electrode potentials, when it is also known as the "electrochemical series"...