I would really love it if I could find some past HSC chem questions sorted by each dot point, not just by module. If anyone knows where I could find this, I'd be very grateful. :)
I'm doing an essay on Plath too, and you advice was really helpful. I was just wondering please if someone could tell me about "paradigms". They seems to come up a lot but my teacher has never mentioned them - what are they? And how do they relate to Plath/After the Bomb?
Oh that's so logical! Silly me. Thanks fo the help!
I seem to remember in a lab once we set up a distillation to make alcohol. It had a condeser and water going in and out. I have googles it but I'm still not entirely sure how it works.
Thank you so much! This makes a lot more sense now.
Actually, I'm still just a tad confused about why the highest boiling points condense at the bottom. In my mind, it should go lowest to highest. Does anyone know why?
I'm totally confused by fractional distillation. How does it work? In a distillation tower are compounds with the highest or lowest boiling points at the top? And how does fractional distillation work in a lab?
As you can see I'm pretty confused, and my grand plans to do dot point summaries...
I was literally about to call you today. I think I still will, but I'll give you a cheery little message too :)
I am also freaking out. I have just finished extract 10 too but my extended response is terrible. And I only just started English. I also had grand plans to do dot point notes...
Hi! My name is not Dwayne.
I'm doing:
- advanced english
- ext 1 english
- ext 2 english
- bio
- chem
- french
- ext french
And I did maths and ext 1 maths HSC this year, so I'll have 14 units in total.
Lovely to meet you all :smile:
(I need a 99+. No pressure.)