I spoke to a friend and they said that if I were to do Advanced Science, all the maths units I would be required to take are of a 4 unit standard. I only did 3 unit Maths, so would it be better if I did a bridging course or would it be possible to learn everything during the course itself? Thanks!
ಠ_ಠ That part of the syllabus did actually specify certain cells; two of which you could choose from two seperate lists. Although the question itself did not specify this, it suggested it through 'human demand' and 'technology' where galvanic cells are used far more extensively in such...
Oh, no you can't. Colorimetry is used specifically for phosphates. It works as the ion reacts with Ascorbic Acid and Ammonium Molybdate to form a blue complex which is used to measure the concentration. And nitrogen and phosphorous don't really contribute to Algal Bloom growth.
Yeah as Someth1ng mentioned, those are anions. So there is no other feasible way of determining their concentration other than Colourimetry (Or Gravimetric Analysis but lol). Algal blooms do use up DO but they are not the sole reason that levels in DO decrease; large amounts of waste in water...
They actually did specify for the answer to be in mg. I would have left it in g if I had not gone back to check. But at most you will lose 1 mark, so don't worry about it. = (
Yes, you can. But it's not the most accurate method due to the many other external factors that can influence the amount of organic matter in the system and amount of DO. Then again, you'll probably get the marks anyway.
A pollutant is any chemical in excess that has adverse implications on the environment. I could be wrong, but I think it's okay to use CFCs as an example.