Is that your only come back? That's all you seem to be saying to me <3
Dude, if you honestly think I care what you're saying, you're in for a rude wake up call <3
Grow a dick, kthxbai.
Learn the term.
If it ends with TEEN then the person is a TEENAGER.
Even noobs know that.
You're below a noob xD
Retarded is all you are <3
Oh noes!
You totally caught me out!
I'm so ghey.
Oh man.
Whatever will I do?
That's why I'm dating a girl.
Because I'm gay xD
Oh man.
I can see how fucked you are in the head xD
Is that really your conclusion? If it is, you fail at life <3
"pedophile: an adult who is sexually attracted to children"
You're the only dumbass here <3
One: I'm not 18 yet so I'm not an adult.
Two: I'm not sexually attracted to her xD
Wait... Was that a burn?
I think it was.
Want some ice?
Well we're not in "that thread" are we smart arse?
We're in THIS thread.
You can read, can't you?
He's right. It was illogical.
In terms of this thread, it's manwhore really.
And it's more kinda sad to me, nothin to be proud of. You're as bad as a slut in my eyes xD
AIDS all round.
Awwww! You're so sweet!
I'm so touched Statics =]
Oh wait...
Was this the part whree I was supposed to be offended and/or scared? <3
Idle threats.
The filler for bleach is ending with the next one or two episodes.
My anime list consists to:
-DBZ (Keep in mind I realise it was very poorly designed, but the backstories got me ;D)
-Death Note
-Soul Eater
-School Days
Some more but I can't remember D:
Chicks who's bones appear are just plain revolting.
Girls need meat.
They need SOME sort of curves.
No curves are okay... But... Bones jutting out?
I live from day to day.
Food I get.
All day to day.
I've never had a plan and that can turn out badly, but I know that if I stay focused it'll all be fine.
Oh man I'll be 27 D:
Oh wait.
I'm still only 17 D:
Probably to stay with my current girlie and finish my degree in Uni and find myself in a job with one of my friends who's following the same course.
Birth Certificate and ID.
Your parents help for the process.
Works everytime.
Good ol' Homeless... They'll do anythin' for a bottle of vodka ;D
Please tell me SOMEONE on this website plays DDR? xD
If you don't know what it appreviates to, then you don't play. Google it if you want.
Heavy player, usually in the city on weekends at Timezone, sometimes Galaxy World.
Anyone play? If so, what difficulty?
Fights are entertainment around Casula in Sydney D:
You get bored and you walk down the street at night, there'd be at least three fights going on that are in view of your home.
At night when you sleep you can hear guys fightin.
They're usually whimps thoughts.
Me? I love a good fight...
You're kidding me aren't you?
You're not actually stupid enough to think they're being serious, are you? xD
Oh gawd...
This is gold.
Just say you wanna speak to her. Over lunch.
And ask if she's into banana's.
If she is, drop your pants and smack her one in the face with a banana...