Because he could be a total pussy with no balls who will never ask her out because he's afraid?
There's nothing wrong with asking a guy out.
I'm flattered when I'm asked out.
It shows the girl digs you.
Lol a few.
I usually date IRL but I got pissed off with all the sluts around here who cheat on me cause I won't sleep with them on the first date xD
So I tried one in Bendigo (victoria for those who fail at Geography like me =] ) and it went well for a year.
She cheated on me about 3 times xD...
Lol as long as they're not sexually active it's fine if they're below 15.
I'm in the same boat as your friend, sorry to say but we aren't doing anything more than kissing till she's older xD
Psh, the pedo card got pulled on me tons of times, but I don't see what's so pedo about caring about...
Lol you can get quick cheapies for $150-$200 that aren't detectable unless they take it back to the station to check. If they check it on the spot with something portable, they won't come up as fake xD
All your choice though.