Thursday 13th: finished exam, went formal dress shopping
Friday 14th - Relax/bludge at home
Saturday: Shopping - make up for formal
Today sunday - going city for formal accessories
Monday tomorrow - Home, relax
Tuesday - Movies
Wednesday - Collect formal dress and colour my hair
Thursday -...
I started studying for SOR1 at 5am the morning of the exam.
I memorised the pdhpe syllabus at 5am the morning of exam.
I didn't study for maths at all.
I havn't started studying for geography which is in two days from now.
Library 'study sessions' with friends were to socialise and not study.
I put isokinetic, isn't resistance training also known as strength training = the isokinetic, isotonic, isometric and isokinetic is the full range of motion thing?
I'm going for a uai and if i got 30.00 i'd just go to college that im already accepted in, then go to uni when i got my diploma after 2 yrs at the college...
That exam was sooooooooooo hard!!!!! Didn't even feel like general maths, after the exam EVERYONE i asked said it was hard, nobody said it was easy :(
ANDDD everyone was like what the title said like saying "is this a 2 unit paper" because it was so much harder than all the other practice...
I used 5 booklets.
2 booklets on Modules A and Module C.
1 full booklet for Module B.
Finished everything I planned (without having to cut out anything) literally 2 seconds before "PENS DOWN"
I read like one paragraph, memorise that paragraph then move on to next para and do the same. And yea, I don't write/rewrite, I never have put pen to paper when memorising essays.
After doing that for each paragraph until the end of essay, I give the essay to my mum and say my essay out loud...
Awww.. :(
Yeah I'm case 3...I'm ranked 30 / 40 something people with 30% internal :(
At least I got accepted for private college *still want 60+UAI though*
You know how HSC mark is the average of internal and external this ALWAYS the case?
Say someone scored overall internal assessment mark of 20% in say.. PDHPE, and in their HSC exam in PDHPE they scored 90%. (Remember, hypothetical!!)
Does this person's HSC mark for PDHPE still work...
OMG! my timing was stuffed up..
I did Section 1 which took 50 MINUTES!
Then Section 3 essay - took 45 minutes
Then I only had 25 mins for creative!!!! (I cut heaps out)