Because some of the essays I prepared for modules, I did TWO related texts, so if the questions does ask "Refer to ONE text" that means I won't have enough to write about, as I prepared for TWO!
Like I know, if the question asks "...and at least one other text of your own choosing..." we can write either on one or two related texts...BUT..
If the question asks something like "Refer to ONE other text...." (without the "at least"), does that mean we are only allowed to talk about ONE or...
I don't have dreams because I keep waking up like last night I kept waking up thinking I had english exam tomorrow but it wasn't...I even checked mobile to check the date.
I got 5 toys from those skill tester machines in the one day! I kept getting them in a roww! Lucky day because last time I went back and played, I tried 20+ times and got NO TOYS :(
Don't write about boyfriend/girlfriend stuff because everybody else writes about it and it's just crap.
Don't write about every other typical teenage topic like drugs, gangs, leaving home, love/romance etc.
And don't end your creative off with something like "and i woke up from my dream bla...
I'm studying the day before or two days before for all my exams..
SOR1 is the easiest, well for trials that's what my results proved, and I don't do an extension :uhoh:
Essay I'm doing 4 normal pages, don't know about exam booklet pages.
Edit: only studying geo skills thats not the day before.
me too, i want it to be on urban dynamics cos i like pyrmont :cool:
i hope theres nothing on small towns and stuff.
back to studying skills for geo! :uhoh:
Subject / Rank / Overall Internal mark (estimated)
I have 3 good subjects and 3 bad ones :(
English Standard: Rank 28/200+ .......................... (75%)
General Maths: Rank 8/115 ......................... (80%)
Studies of Religion 1 Unit: Rank 15/80 ............... (80%)