You missed the point of the thread.
The OP does have the inclination to find out when his tutes are scheduled, that's why this thread was made, you're just blabbing on about your little uni experience..
Yeah i also regret going to UNSW. I'm seriously considering a transfer to UWS to be with all of my high school friends, it seems like they're all having a great time and the girls there are easier....
It is a hassle, not everyone has the luxury of attending classes that aren't scheduled and wasting a couple of hours of their day.
Some people have jobs/extra curriculars and a social life to manage in a week instead of wasting time going to a tute that isn't on.
the best way would be to just contact your course lecturers/tutors via email/phone and ask..there might also be something mentioned in the course guide.
it's not trolling when facts are being presented.
USYD pretty much slays UTS in Commerce/Business, you'll meet more ambitious, well connected, better looking students at USYD..That's a fact!!..great chance to network and make the right contacts. It's really a no brainer, the OP has...
lol, some promises are worth breaking...still, you can be an honourary commerce student.
there's nothing worse than being mistaken for an Engineering student( no offense)
Just out of curiousity, where are you hoping to go with your current program? It is pretty broad, so I'm guessing you'll be going for generalist grad positions? although you do have some heavy quant stuff thrown in there...
haha, Business Economics is a mad bludge, some Economics courses also...
Yeah sure, ideally, you should be given a choice to decide for yourself but like you said, your parents were pretty controlling and pressured you into business...just be thankful that they didn't force you into Medicine!! then you'd be in a lot of trouble!
lol, tommykins, just hang around...
Ok fair enough, but still ,it wouldn't have hurt to put accounting or something more solid in that mix, since you are doing three majors....
haha, that's true, you guys definitely have it tougher but we have hotter girls in our classes, so it evens out.
not really, when you're fresh out of high school and only in your teens, you don't really have much real world experience to know what's best for you..
You could have easily done Commerce/ arts, Commerce/science, that way, your parents would have been satisfied and you could still pursue...
that post didn't sound homo at all!
What's with all the piss poor majors? Business Economics? Financial about bludging your way through Commerce at UNSW...
Nah, that was Craig Wing, dude is pretty desperate with his financal problems.
Will karmichael Hunt make it in the AFL? maybe he should try making it in the NRL first...
No way he'll make it, he's not tall enough, doesn't have the right body for it, his arms are too short. He'll be...