Search results

  1. 11kloseboy

    Worst TV Show(s)

    Anything on Daytime TV is bad
  2. 11kloseboy

    Private coaching vs Centre based coaching?

    Centre based is the best, you can see how everyone your age is capable of and you can compare your answers with them.
  3. 11kloseboy

    Mystikal 3@Space - 17th March!

    what the hell the guy can't do anything until 2010 he's in jail. He's a really talented guy though.
  4. 11kloseboy

    Biggest Distraction!!

    Internet and girls i mean how can u concentrate on whatever ur doing if theirs a super fly girl infront of you. Its like trying to goal keep in the Vietnam War you don't know what to focus on the snipers or the ball.
  5. 11kloseboy

    what is your preferred method of getting the music that you want?

    Anywhere, pretty much but its good to have CD's in your car though.
  6. 11kloseboy

    Who will you vote for? Australian political parties

    Liberal Party for Real all we need is Turnbull as PM and O'Farrell as Premier and we have our problems solved.
  7. 11kloseboy

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    Re: What UAI are you aiming for? 85+ is my goal. Pick the hard subjects if you do well you succeed. This is how I look at the UAI Scaling. If you do easy subjects General Mathematics,English Standard your UAI gets scaled down even if you get 100 in any of those subjects you might just get 95.
  8. 11kloseboy

    Plans for the holidays

    Listen to music,Practice footwork, Do my assignment for Economics and SDD
  9. 11kloseboy

    Growing taller..

    Maybe you should do my style drink at least a litre of milk a day. My average is 7 litres a week. If you leave it too late you'll end up like my friends brother he's only 4'11 and he's the shortest guy in the school and he carries a 4kg backpack so i don't think he'll grow anymore. Hope this has...
  10. 11kloseboy

    How tall are you?

    175 cm but i haven't grown since the end of last year. But I'm not the tallest Asian at my school. The school soccer team have some players that are shorter than me so I'm not that worried. I wanna be 6ft or taller because its better because it gives u an advantage when u want to get on the end...
  11. 11kloseboy

    do you wear glasses + how much do you study for?

    I wear glasses all the time. I study like an hour a day average
  12. 11kloseboy

    Have you ever had a real fist fight?

    I've been suspended a few times from school. Thats probably why i didn't become prefect (fucked up school authority victimizing me for my past violent crime) . I've been in like a hundred fights. I get into more than one every year. Last year this terrorist motherfucker was throwing his pens at...
  13. 11kloseboy

    The Official Euro 2008 Thread

    Damn Fernando Torres tore Germany's defence apart. I wanted Germany to win though. Congragulations to Spain the winners of the European Chamionships 2008. Well at least I'm not a sore loser.
  14. 11kloseboy

    Rove McManus or Chris Lilley

    Rove should win it he's more funnier anyway, Lilley looks like a fag
  15. 11kloseboy

    Music In Languages You Don't Understand But Love

    Brazilian music (Samba) sounds really nice also Burmese Rock and Roll.I've been to a cuple Burmese rock concerts in the past. I've heard some French rap music its all about living in the slums 10km out of Paris and mainly half the songs is how they hate the government they currently have (...
  16. 11kloseboy

    Funny blog on YouTube

    Hey if you want to see something funny go and Youtube and type in KevJumba he's this college student in America who makes jokes out of his life. He's pretty cool check out his channel. i've already subscribed to him.
  17. 11kloseboy

    Do you watch Home and Away?

    Can't stand that show it gets worse after every episode. The story lines are so predictable.
  18. 11kloseboy

    Raped by her uncle, but can she have an abortion?

    Abortion is a sin. I believe that it shouldn't be allowed in the first place. A fetus is growing and its alive and has the same rights as any other human being in the world. what kind of stupid motherfucker said it doesn't have a right to live.
  19. 11kloseboy

    The Official Euro 2008 Thread

    I'm hoping for Germany to win. Klose will tear the Spanish defence like paper just like he did against Turkey
  20. 11kloseboy

    r ppl at ur skool split up into groups?

    Everybody's split up in Cultural Groups or interest groups