got a pharcyde remix/party double cd. i wouldn't usually get that sort of thing (i'd prefer a real album) but the songs are rare and something different, so it was cool. haven't stopped playing it though.
stupid options. there's not enough variety.
there's 4 who're insanely skinny, which is the worst. they look like they're about to drop dead. one freak. and one who's a bit too fat. i'd go the fat one though.
that's not what makes a gay person gay. there's plenty of guys who go on dates with girls but shove things up their anus at night. THEY'RE GAY. how am i wrongly judging your sexual wants, needs and desires? YOUR SEXUAL DESIRES WERE TO BE PLEASURED BY ANOTHER MAN. THAT'S GAY. real men don't even...
HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU HAVE HAD AN URGE FOR COCK BUT NOT BEEN GAY. you're not 100% straight man, now or ever. i say around 58% straight will be your life maximum.