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    Cochlear implant question - HELP PLEASE!!!!!

    I'm having trouble with is question. Discuss how advances in technology have resulted in the widespread use of cochlear implants to assist people to hear.
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    Cochlear implant question - HELP PLEASE!!!!!

    Hi. I'm doing a report on cochlear implant and I need your help with this question below. The question is... Discuss how advances in technology have resulted in the widespread use of cochlear implants to assist people to hear. Please help me. Thanks!
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    Thoughts on tomorrow's exams

    Do you have any thoughts that will be in tomorrow's HSC paper?
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    Commercial Cookery Extended Responses

    Hi. Can you please post your Commercial Cookery Extended Responses questions from either Independent and Catholic trial papers, BOS HSC papers and half-yearlies. Please state how many marks in a question and the year for the question as well. Can be from Preliminary exams as well. Hospo exam is...
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    Can you please send me the hops notes?

    Can you please send me the hops notes?
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    Hospo Notes

    Hello. The topic 'Participate in safe food handling practices' is now uploaded and available for anyone to download it. This is one of my last Hospo notes that I've published here. You can download the rest of my Hospo notes to make a big collect of these notes and send them to anyone who is...
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    Hospo Notes

    The following revision booklets are now uploaded:- * Source and use information on the hospitality industry * Use food preparation equipment I will complete the 'Participate in safe food handling practices' revision booklet when I finished my Hospitality HSC Trial exam. At school I do...
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    Hospo Notes

    Hi everyone! I'm posting revision booklets filled with notes in accordance to the Hospitality syllabus. This is not all of it - I will post some more. I will upload:- * Source and Use Information on the Hospitality Industry. * Use Food Preparation Equipment * Participate in Safe Food...