you don't really need to know exact figures; just trends
- CVD mortality rates have been declining over the last few decades
- The incidence of CVD increases with age
Yeah I also managed also run out of time and only only had 30 minutes to do Q 27, I managed to write four sources of change and four reasons for expansion, but it was quite dogdy :P
So looks like your not the only one.
P.s Im just kidding, if i was you...
I'd one stop procrastinating and get off the internet and especially this site,
I'd go kill than dam spider,
Go to bed,
Wake up 6.30,
With the external mark, say your coming first but got 10% in the exam will it show your result or whoever got first in the cohorts result? If you get what I mean...
Hard out MATHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven't done any maths study since first week of holidays aside from like an hour or so today...
So it's time to hit 8 hours a day maths study tomorow and sunday
You can get rid of those silly mistakes by practising lots.
But it does happen to me a little in maths but not really my other subjects because I kinda get a sense for how I went on each question.