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  1. Enteebee

    Should businesses legally have to provide goods/services to everyone?

    It depends how far you're going to push discrimination (which imo, will often end up being too far). For instance, I do believe there should be womens only gyms, male-only clubs etc but at the same time I don't think there should white-only swimming pools. I guess to me it depends on whether the...
  2. Enteebee

    Homosexuality in Australia

    So your belief is that homosexuality should be illegal (i.e. I'm guessing that people should be locked up / fined?) and that on top of that the promotion of homosexuality (I guess by teaching that it's "okay" or any positive portrayal in culture) should be banned?
  3. Enteebee

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I don't get the point of arguing about whether it's bad or not, unless they're saying a) It's bad b) We have to do something to stop it ? I.e. If homosexuality is the best of all evils then I don't get their point anyway ^___^
  4. Enteebee

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Just a refresher, In general are people 'opposed' to homosexuality saying that they believe: - Homosexuality should be illegal, - Homosexuality is a 'bad' thing for society that should be 'shunned', - Homosexuality isn't natural, or - Some other position I haven't yet considered here ?
  5. Enteebee

    Philosophy for the Beginner

    I don't think any of the modern texts you listed are that difficult to understand. I've found for whatever reason that the further back in time I go, the more complicated I find the text. Perhaps it's because I just don't have much of a historical background for them? Then of course you have...
  6. Enteebee

    Philosophy for the Beginner

    Don't you think that some sort of 'philosophy for dummies' book would do a better job of introducing people to the questions? Furthermore, while I do think some people would prefer dialogue... don't you think the dialogue in the republic is a little heavy? I guess you don't since you said you...
  7. Enteebee

    Philosophy for the Beginner

    Do you really think plato is best for beginners? It seems to be the conventional wisdom in our schools/universities, I guess because the republic is a) the classic western philosophical text and b) deals with such a wide range of the basic questions you'll be facing as you progress. But I...
  8. Enteebee

    Philosophy for the Beginner

    all crap^
  9. Enteebee

    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    Err... what if she refuses sex because she just doesn't feel like it? Are there any "non-valid" reasons for a wife to refuse sex? lol and this would be worse than being raped by your husband? okay.
  10. Enteebee


    I can see why you would want to get rid of the mega threads, they are somewhat daunting to new participants and make the sub-forum as a whole seem less active. However, the reason such threads were originally created and promoted was to stop what was a spam of thousands of little threads, all...
  11. Enteebee

    Does God exist?

    Yes sorry, that is correct. I am attempting to postulate a solution to the problem which is basically... exactly like your 'God' but without a consciousness. First I'm going to deal with how you propose to deal with the problem: God is transcendent, has free will and chooses to create the...
  12. Enteebee


    vote me for re-mod, I don't have much time now (probably a good thing) but I'll re-post reddit articles to BoS.
  13. Enteebee

    Does God exist?

    Do you understand my point though? That there's no reason why my unconscious universe creation mechanism can't transcend space-time just as good as a conscious God. It can cause things in the same way that at the earliest stages of the universe new elements were formed. Perhaps you believe God...
  14. Enteebee

    Does God exist?

    I don't think that's right. The big bang afaik only deals with our observable universe, which we could presume is the entirity of existence, but I think that may be a little short sighted? It doesn't "decide", it is an unconscious universal creation mechanism which 'just is' (much as you must...
  15. Enteebee

    Does God exist?

    Of course though, it's unfair to use probability here because chance is the only one with a probability which isn't 1. How are we to know it's not due to physical necessity? There may very well be an eternal mechanism in the universe which necessitates our universe be this way.... Perhaps you'd...
  16. Enteebee

    Does God exist?

    When you're reading the bible, all through the old testament, what do you say to yourself the point of all the craziness that goes on is?
  17. Enteebee

    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    STRING THEORY MAN HURR RHURRR HRURR String theory: Is it science's ultimate dead end? | Science | The Observer
  18. Enteebee

    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    Not that it matters but: Einstein writes of 'childish superstition' | Science | The Guardian Einstein may have been a deist of some sort... but I'm leaning more on the side of it just being a poetic notion for him. Science never 'proves' or 'disproves' anything... I'd argue that science...
  19. Enteebee

    Does God exist?

    Depends what supporting evidence there is, I mean - There's been a MASSIVE gap between the existence of dinosaurs and now, but we accept this because we have fossil evidence amongst other things. Jesus rising from the dead has about as much evidence as we do for other myths of people rising...