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  1. Nerissa

    Criticism Needed for Proposal...10 drafts and counting...

    EVERYONE ---> It has all been sorted out. I've spoken to LaraCroft and we've resolved the issue. To those of you who attend my school, please talk to Lara or myself in real life, not on these boards. I am VERY sorry for any pain I have caused. Now let's end the argument...and talk about...
  2. Nerissa

    is this ridiculous or jst a rumor?

    HABIBI ---> Shou! (I'm guessing you're Leb, or maybe just go to a school full of 'em, like me!) In answer to your question, they are not overhauling the HSC SYSTEM (so you'll still have to sit external exams worth 50% and do internal assessments worth 50%), but rather specific COURSES. You guys...
  3. Nerissa

    is this ridiculous or jst a rumor?

    HABIBI ---> Shou! (I'm guessing you're Leb, or maybe just go to a school full of 'em, like me!) In answer to your question, they are not overhauling the HSC SYSTEM (so you'll still have to sit external exams worth 50% and do internal assessments worth 50%), but rather specific COURSES. You guys...
  4. Nerissa


    allGenreGamer ----> (What kind of games are you talking about? Computer, PS 1/2 or board games? Me, I love Diablo, Quake and Dungeons and Dragons...) I haven't got a dictionary with me, so...oh wait, yes I do. Speech: "A talk or public address." Seminar: "A meeting designed for instruction or...
  5. Nerissa

    Criticism Needed for Proposal...10 drafts and counting...

    TECHIE ----> Was going to email / PM you; then I clicked on your profile and it said "this user has specified they do not want to receive emails through this board", so I couldn't! I guess everyone else will just have to put up with this post being off topic! Hope you see it (hopefully you're...
  6. Nerissa

    Criticism Needed for Proposal...10 drafts and counting...

    Look, it's that time of the month so I apologise if I'm being bitchy, but can you please stop slagging me off? I've seen you do it in the Troy thread in the Ancient forum as well, and it's really pissing me off. To begin with, I don't do modern, I do ancient, and the only reason I picked the...
  7. Nerissa

    Criticism Needed for Proposal...10 drafts and counting...

    OOOOOHHHHHH MMMMMYYYYYYY GGGGGGOOOOOODDDDDD!!!! Guess what guys? After 12 drafts, I handed in my final proposal last week. I got it back today: 10/10! WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!! The closest mark was 9 (only one person got that) and then 8 (again, only one person got that)! She totally hated my proposal...
  8. Nerissa

    King Lear essay help

    Hey there! We had to do this practice essay too, and we got to look at the response written by the 03'er who got 99 in English and is practically worshipped at our school...Anyway, how I think you should approach it is take each reading and show how it was influenced by its context. Also, in...
  9. Nerissa


    Oh my gosh, I am in exactly the same boat! I do Ancient, love it, am coming 1st out of 60 people and want to top the State in it. So of course, because I am so passionate about history, I decide to take the History Ext. course...and discover that I am the only girl doing Ancient in the class and...
  10. Nerissa

    individual projects

    I am also confused about this. For those of you who haven't already rolled your eyes at my desperate proposal thread and laughed at my ridiculously verbose and stupid work, I'm doing the causes of the Spanish Civil War. Almost all of my sources are books, though I have a couple of journal...
  11. Nerissa

    Macquire Uni Study Day

    I'm with JIMMIK, if anyone could post up their notes, it'd be really greatly appreciated...especially the Greek World (500 - 440BC) ones, as this is the topic I'm interested in. My notes swap proposition still holds. And if anyone wants to swap notes for Persian society, historical period or...
  12. Nerissa

    Handling failure and lack of motivation

    S'up everyone! Just came back from seeing 'Van Helsing' with my little sister - it's pretty ordinary, no plot to speak of and the special effects leave a lot to be desired. I give it a 3/10, and that's only because I think Hugh Jackman is hot!! My advice: wait for it on video. SPORTSGAL ---->...
  13. Nerissa

    Handling failure and lack of motivation

    No darling, you rock! I had a really shitty time at school today (got seven assessment tasks and had just handed three in!!!), and your message just brightened up my whole day. So a BIG thank - you. I'm really glad to help - these anti - stress and motivational techniques have taken me a long...
  14. Nerissa

    Macquire Uni Study Day

    Hi guys! I never knew about these, my teacher never tells us about study days, seminars, etc. I accessed the website and they cost $25 each!! I don't have that kind of money. Thankfully, only one of the topics I'm studying is covered - The Greek World 500-440 BC. How come none of these study...
  15. Nerissa

    Handling failure and lack of motivation

    WOHZAZZ ---> Before I start, I love your nickname - it's so cool, sounds like a brand of washing powder, or the name of a flower child! What inspired it? Is it your real name...Anyway, back on topic. Much the same thing has happened to me, well sort of. You see, I'm a really high achiever...
  16. Nerissa

    process log....

    Gosh, I haven't even thought about my process log...I'm focusing on getting my proposal in by Wednesday and then perfecting my essay! Guess I'd better start...Hmmm, have become very adept at 'fudging' (my mum loves this term) diaries - did it for my ISP for SoR (got full marks) and for this...
  17. Nerissa

    Any all 90s students

    I doubt that anyone cares, but I was quite proud of my SC results - see, at my school, they kept telling us how important is was, so I studied my arse off...My advice to all SC students is that if you're a natural nerd, like me, work hard - not only are your results rewarding, but you see how...
  18. Nerissa

    school holidays!!...yay !

    SARZ ---> That's so awful that your school has half yearlies after the holidays. Mine were Week 8 and 9 of last term. I suppose it's not too bad if you're a laid back person, but I'm a major stresshead, so those two weeks, and the two 'revision weeks' before them were awful for me...I was...
  19. Nerissa

    Good Teachers...

    MISHKA ---> I did Spanish in Years 9 and 10, and we had the LOTE coordinator, who is Spanish by birth, but also speaks Italian, French, German, Portuguese, Japanese and Arabic (little wonder she became a LOTE big wig). Our class was also very small, only about 7 people. She was so good - she...
  20. Nerissa

    How much have u done on Your major Project and when is it due?

    Hey guys! Thanks to all those who reviewed my proposal. OMG, we're talking about the major project already?? We haven't even handed up the proposal yet - it's due the Wednesday of the first week back. Having said that, my cow of a teacher - will not rant, will not rant... - wanted us to put so...