Sorry for the incredibly stupid title. Anyway, here i go for dear life ( ok, maybe I'm sounding like an extremist now)..i'll shut-up now. ok.
-Teenager (15-18) years.
- I hate cliche books, you know.. popular girls, boy meets girl kinda stories.
-I love fashion
-I love classical stories, but...
community and family studies
English (standard)
Mathematics (advanced)
Just wondering if you know any one taking/taken the same combination as me. I'm in year 10 btw.
anyone who is looking to be an optometrist or study pharmacy (class of 2011), what was your atar like? Just wondering what sort of compeittion will be out there. For someone else not me.
I don't want to seem like some jealous duck, (wtf was up with that analogy) but some people have been doing incredibly great. I know this site is for the elite of the 2013 class but i am finding it incredibly hard to believe that some people scored 100 for 3 subjects.
Please upload a picture of...
Please post up a sample of one of your best essays, reports, speeches etc. I just want to see how i compare to some of the very talented members of this forum. Must be 2013 graduation, i don't want to be comparing my text to someone in year 12.
I will post up mine soon.
I personally loved it! But so bummed there was no periodic table, i had to guess what potassium was, and i ended getting it wrong. Thus, i must get 99! (more like in my dreams). probably 89+
Which is more enjoyable?
Which one would get scaled higher?
And which one is more necessary (recognized) if you want to get into the medical field including optometry and pathology?
Please upload in word document format, any help would be appreciated. P.s i got 43/50 for my trials, what band is this? I came 3rd with 122 students at an above average school (just saying).
I was just wondering what content will be covered in the school certificate for science, i know i can look at the board of studies syllabus for science but I'm studying from my textbook so i would like topic names.
eg. Motion, light, implications of science on society.