Okay, so everything has now been finalised.
A difficult Extension 1 and Extension 2 paper, aimed primarily at people wanting a challenge. I will personally mark every single paper to HSC Standard (I work with some senior HSC markers, so I am familiar with the marking process), and I...
Draw the most PERFECT free-hand circle you can in one stroke of the pen.
Take a photo and put it here, or upload it directly if you have a graphics tablet!
We vote best circle.
A debate I had a while ago with a friend. Went on for a good hour or so.
I want to see people tearing each other apart and at each other's throats over this topic.
What thing in Maths gave you the equivalent of a 'nerdgasm'? Doesn't have to be something complex (no pun intended), even a fairly trivial but cool result would be alright.
Here's a cool problem accessible by MX2 methods.
Consider a cylinder of unit radius and unit height, which is full of water.
a) At what angle should we tilt it such that we lose exactly 1/2 of the volume of water?
b) More generally, at what angle should we tilt it such that we lose exactly K%...
Here's a pretty cool circle geometry problem.
From a point A, a tangent is constructed to meet a circle at B. From the point B, a horizontal chord is drawn to meet the circle again at a point G. From an arbitrary point the circle another horizontal chord FE is constructed and extends to meet AB...
Not the one used for summation, but the one that's used for Standard Deviation.
Looks like this: σ
I'm asking because although I can write it out fairly neatly, it usually takes a while compared to other symbols.
Usually, I write my O's starting from the top, and going in an anti-clockwise...
What do you use?
1. Loose leaf ruled paper.
2. Writing pads (the ones where you have to tear off each page from the top).
3. Normal lined books with stapled bindings.
4. Grid books.
5. Plain white paper.
6. Normal lined books with spiral binding.
Find the value of the sum:
\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \sum_{k=1}^{n} \frac{k}{(k+1)!}
Assuming the behaviour of the summands is consistent over large n.
Date/Time: Finalised 4th July 9:30am until 4pm. This is the Wednesday during the 1st week of School Holidays.
Venue: Parramatta Library.
Who can come: Anybody who wants to study and needs help with their studies in any subject. Regardless of what grade you're in...
Here is a quick topic test I wrote for two of my students earlier this week. Since they've already done it, I figured may as well share it.
All questions are original, but I can't guarantee that they're not in some other source, especially ones with nicer results. Go ahead and copy them to give...
Figured this would be a good way for some students to practise problem solving skills.
I'll release a question every day or so and if the problem requires a technique/formula outside the syllabus, I will tell you what that formula is.
Consider the following diagram.
AC is perpendicular to BE...
Maybe I can have a 'Cool Problem of the Day' sorta thing going...
A right angled triangle is inscribed within a circle such that all 3 vertices are on the circumference of the circle.
Given the ratio...
\frac{A_{circle}}{A_{triangle}} = 2 \pi
...where A_x denotes the area of x, find the...
Normally, this would go into the 'Extracurricular Mathematics' section, but I figured this section would be more appropriate because (my method at least) requires knowledge of the Catalan Numbers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalan_number) unless you derive the result of it from scratch.
Consider a unit square.
From one corner to the other, a circular arc is drawn.
This is repeated 4 times, and a small 4 sided figure is created from the intersections of these arcs.
Find the area of this 4 sided figure (it should look like a square with curved edges).
The same...