Search results

  1. Rafy

    Labor Leadership Challenge

    Julia Gillard has requested a ballot for the leadership of the Labor Party 9am tomorrow morning. Rudd will be contesting
  2. Rafy

    Stars - The Five Ghosts

    Officially out June 22, but you can listen to it all here:
  3. Rafy

    Govt wants ISPs to record browsing history

    Govt wants ISPs to record browsing history - Communications - News Internet companies could be forced to track you |
  4. Rafy

    NSW State Politics

    With the election approaching it's again time for a general discussion thread on NSW state politics. A primary voting intention poll is included. The big story of the week to kick us off: Two more ministers bale out on Kristina Keneally | The Australian Barry says it's time to go...
  5. Rafy

    Union Board Election 2010

    The election of 5 Directors to the Board of the University of Sydney Union will be held on May 12. The candidates in ballot order are: Deb White Pat Massarani James Flynn Peter Hong Alistair Stephenson Tim Scriven Ben Tang Hilton Xiaoting Guo Tom Robson Sibella Matthews Vivienne Moxham-Hall 2...
  6. Rafy

    United Kingdom Election 2010

    Gordon Brown has just visited the Queen to dissolve Parliament for an General Election on May 6. Gordon Brown calls 6 May general election United Kingdom general election, 2010 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  7. Rafy

    MGMT - Congratulations

    Congratulations has leaked. It can also now be streamed from their website. WHOISMGMT?
  8. Rafy

    South Australian State Election

    Election day today. Liberals on the verge of victory, a possibility unthinkable just months ago. Labor bracing for state poll hit
  9. Rafy

    Belinda Neal loses preselection

    Belinda Neal has lost preselection for the seat of Robertson. 98-67
  10. Rafy

    Semester 1 Timetables (2010) Details of staff assisted timetable changes here:
  11. Rafy

    SA Labor gags internet debate

    Labor gags internet debate Censoring free speech in the secret state
  12. Rafy

    MyZone - New public transport ticketing
  13. Rafy

    NSW Schools ranked by NAPLAN results

    NAPLAN results of Australian schools were released by the Federal Government at NAPLAN tests are held at the Primary level in Years 3 and 5. Secondary tests are held in Years 7 and 9. The Sydney Morning Herald has today published league tables of schools in NSW based on the...
  14. Rafy


    Apple - iPad - The best way to experience the web, email, & photos
  15. Rafy

    'My School' website launched
  16. Rafy

    Subject Selections 2010

    Post your subjects for 2010 here.
  17. Rafy

    Important Dates 2010

    O-Week/SWOT:........Wednesday 24 February - Friday 26 February Semester 1 Lectures begin:.........Monday 1 March Easter break:............Friday 2 April to Friday 9 April Lectures end:............Friday 4 June Study vacation:.........Monday 7 June to Friday 11 June Examination...
  18. Rafy

    BOS USYD Roll Call 2010

    Welcome to the University of Sydney forum. Welcome back to all the old hands and special greetings and congratulations to the new students. Please make yourself at home and don't hesitate to contribute or ask questions. For a guide to this forum and a few helpful links, please see the Quick...
  19. Rafy

    Google ceases censorship, threatens China pullout

    BBC News - Google 'may pull out of China after Gmail cyber attack' Google relaxes self-censorship in China - Official Google Blog: A new approach to China
  20. Rafy

    Contra - Vampire Weekend

    Out on January 11. The full album can currently be streamed on their myspace: Vampire Weekend on MySpace Music