Hi can someone explain this MC to me please?
Having a bit of trouble, how do you manipulate it? so do you think of the graph as a cubic and integrate it so thus it's a quartic now?
then what :s?
Also, if f(x) = x - 4/x
how would you do e^f(x) and ln(f(x)), when I tried them I got completely...
Hi, I was planning to go for a double degree consisting of engineering and commerce at UNSW, however this is 5.5 years.
Would it be better to get a single degree in engineering then work for a couple of years then do a master degree relating to commerce?
Please give me your thoughts guys =)
So, for economics essays do they tend to be written in past or present tense?
which is better?
liked some phrases I use the word "improving -- the global economy--" yet some phrases I use the word " -- which has -- lead"