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    Foundations of 4U Mathematics - S.K. Patel

    I heard at my tuition that there were solutions to this textbook, just like Cambridge 4U and Fitzpatrick 4U in the BOS forums. Where could I find these? I wouldn't buying them off someone as well! Give me the price, and yeah we can negotiate ;). Thanks.
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    Difference between absolute and relative?

    I'm having trouble with the following question in my homework. All help is appreciated: In conventional Newtonian mechanics space and time are considered absolute. In special relativity, on the other hand, they are considered to be relative. What is meant by the terms absolute, and relative...
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    Complex Questions.

    1a) Let OABC be a square in the complex plane where O is the origin. The points A and C represent complex numbers z and iz respectively. Find the complex number which is presented by the point B. b) This square is now rotated about O through 45 degrees in an anticlockwise direction to OPQR...
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    A space projectile motion question

    I can't seem to get my head around this simple question (which formulae should I use for both questions?)... 1. A plane drops emergency food rations to the Red Cross. The plane is travelling at 231km/hr and maintains a cnstant altitude above the flat land below. The ration drop takes 20.0...
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    Complex q's

    1. Is it possible to find the conjugate of z=10i-10/-8-4i? I'm stuck on this part of my 1 paged working lol. 2a) Find all integers x and y such that (x+iy)^2=-3-4i where x and y are real numbers. I've got y=+-2, x=-+1. Is this right? b) Hence, or otherwise, solve the equation z^2-7z+13+i=0...
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    HSC Glossary of Key Terms Modelled Answers

    Hey :), Would there happen to be any modelled responses for each of the HSC glossary of key words, especially for the Sciences? Are the Success One HSC series sufficient for each verb? Thanks.
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    Space Calculations

    I am having a few problems with the following space calculations. If anyone can provide working out with explanations, that'd be great :). Thanks. A 2000kg satellite is in a circular orbit 225km above the Earth's sruface. Given that the mass of Earth is 6.0x10^25kg and the radius of Earth is...
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    Motors and Generators Questions

    Hey, can anyone help me out with the following Motors and Generators questions? 1. What are some advantages/disadvantages of the effect of transformers on electrical transmission, and in the home? I know power loss is one, by stepping up the voltage, which decreases the current and...
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    3U Tuition

    Hey there :), I need a dedicated tutor for 3U Maths, who is especially able to arrive to my house (in the Baulkham Hills/Bella Vista area). PM me if you wish to discuss more, with your credentials/results/past students etc. Thanks
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    State ranking for Biology

    I apologise if this question has been asked tediously and repetitively, but I used the search button and couldn't seem to find anything :). With past trends from the board of studies, what is the APPROXIMATE cut off mark/rank for a Biology state ranking (I know it varies...but...
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    Proving conjugates and de moivre's theorem

    How would you prove de moivre's theorem? i.e. (costheta+isintheta)^n=cosntheta+isinntheta Is it through induction, by following the steps and the induction hypothesis? If so, would anyone happen to have a clear proof on it, labelling the induction hypothesis? How you prove clearly: a)...
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    Curve Sketching

    Okay, I've got a few more questions to ask :). If f(x)=-x^2+6x-4, sketch: y=|f(x)| y=f(-x) y=1/f(x) y^2=f(x)Would anyone have tips on approaching locus questions (e.g. shading the area). Any tricks? Lol. Oh, and for example: i^2009. Would you have to divide by a common multiple of 4, and...
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    Integration by substitution q

    I'm stuck :(. Could anyone possibly point out the flaws in my working out if there is any? If not, how would I continue? Thanks in advance.
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    HSC Success One Physics Textbook

    Hey, Could anyone scan or post up the 'Topic Index Of Past HSC Questions' for Space please? It's on the back of the front cover. Thanks.
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    HSC Success One Biology Textbook

    Hey, Could anyone scan or post up the 'Topic Index Of Past HSC Questions' for Maintaining a Balance please? It's on the back of the front cover. Thanks.
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    HSC Science module tests coming up! =]

    The first HSC assessments are approaching very quickly as you're well aware :). This is mainly directed towards the people who are currently doing either sciences (chem, phys, bio, earth and environ, senior science etc.). How are you going to prepare for the module tests, IF you are going to...
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    3U Cambridge Problems

    Hey. I need all working out/solutions to the following questions. Thanks :o Ex 6A 13a), c) 16c), d), e), f) 17d), e), f) Ex 6C 10b) 12a), c), e) 13a), b) Ex 6D 5b), 7a) Ex 6E 5c) Ex 6F 3b), c), d) 4b) 5g) Ex 6G 2a), f), c), h) Ex 6H 6c)<O:p</O:p Ex 6I...
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    Urgent! Space II Help!

    1. Two planets X and y are located in a galaxy 1009 light years from Earth. Planet X has twice the radius of Y, but is 8 times the mass of Y. COmpare the escape velocities of both planets 2. From the top of his house Sir Isaac Newton throws several apples horizontally at various speeds. Two...
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    A few complex number questions

    1a) Find all integers x and y such that (x+iy)^2=5-12i I got x=± 3, y= ∓2 in the end. Is that correct? b) Hence, solve the equation z^2-(5+4i)z+1+13i=0 for z 2. Find the complex square roots of 16i 3. Given that z = cis2theta-1/cis2theta+1, express z in Cartesian form b) Hence...
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    English Short Story/Related Text

    I need ideas with the 2 questions below that can start me off. All assistance is appreciated :) 1) Write a short story that explores the concept of belonging in some way. You will be assessed on how well you: Develop the concept of belonging in your story. Use language appropriately and...