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  1. yellowhighlighterr

    damn rates of change

    I have no idea how to even approach e or f. any help?
  2. yellowhighlighterr

    rates of change

    Could I get some help with b please? thanks
  3. yellowhighlighterr

    An evaluation

    I've gotten the first part of the question, but its the last bit that I stumble with. I followed the same steps to solve it but to no avail... Any help??
  4. yellowhighlighterr

    Products-to-sums identities

    For this one, I am struggling with b. Could I have some help please?
  5. yellowhighlighterr

    Tricky trig

    I've gotten parts a and b but I do not know how to apply them to c. Could anyone pls help???
  6. yellowhighlighterr

    Proving identities using the t - formulae

    Hello BoS, I don't know how to continue with the question; could I get some help? I keep getting weird polynomial errors and it's been 20 minutes ;-;
  7. yellowhighlighterr

    Yet another trig question

    I've nailed part a but how do I start part b??? Cheers, yellowhighlighterr
  8. yellowhighlighterr

    Calling all aussie Cambridge students (or admissions officers/know-it-alls)!

    I want to study Astrophysics at Cambridge but am not doing any extra-curriculars regarding it besides reading books on the subject or a few documentaries here or there. Does that tarnish my chances? I'm in Year 11 right now; should I pick something up? Are extracurriculars important for...
  9. yellowhighlighterr

    Double angle formula question

    So I need help with 7a. I've managed to do all of 6, but can't seem to apply it to 7. Any help will be much appreciated!
  10. yellowhighlighterr

    general exams question

    if my answer deviates from (or is shorter/longer than) the suggested response/sample answers for a past paper (biology specifically), but it makes sense and i think that is should be correct, do I still got the mark??? cheers, yellowhighlighterr
  11. yellowhighlighterr

    HSC verbs confusion

    How would you answer an evaluate question? What makes if different from an assess question? Could you kinda give an example please? Thanks!
  12. yellowhighlighterr

    science subjects

    In HSC and Trials are marks deducted if an answer is too long even though it hits all the points? Like if you wrote 5 lines for a 2-marker?
  13. yellowhighlighterr

    I've got 20 days till my trial...

    ... but I haven't made proper, concise study notes. I've only got school;s chicken scratch. Then again, I am doing biology as an accelerated subject as a year 11 and hence have trials for that only. The stuff we are being tested on is mod 5 and 7 and up to IQ 1 in mod 6. Should I make notes...
  14. yellowhighlighterr

    When making Maths self study notes...

    Is it necessary to include each formula's proof? Like for the quotient and product rule how they were derived? As well as where they were used in life? Thanks, yellowhighlighterr