Obviously, I would like to know if any-one studies this course?
I am interested in doing my International Studies for French (post-beginner level) and I was wondering:
A) What was the approximate UAI needed?
B) Would I need to travel between Kurang-gai and the City campus?
Thankyou :):headbang:
Bonjour tout le monde.
Okay, I just got my half yearly results back (87%- will that help my UAI- considering that I want to study International Studies?) and my fault would definately be the listening.
So, what would you suggest doing to better my listening skills?
Okay, so, the question was "How does The Skull Beneath The Skin and The Maltese Falcon encompass and scrutinize a crime and its investigation?"
It's the scrutinizing part thats confusing.
Any ideas for my texts?