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  1. townie

    AFP & The "Bali Nine"

    From The Mutual Assistance In Criminal Matters Act 1987 (Cth) Section 8: I'd like to know why ruddock thinks this case has special circumstances, why are the AFP helping with the investigation when the death pentalty is so obviously on the table, why werent these people arrested in...
  2. townie

    Visa Debit

    What banks offer it! I want one! I want one! P.S. when any1 says they want it to buy stuff off the net, more than likely they mean PORN! (lol, thats partly why i want it actually, haha, is that wrong?)
  3. townie

    Restriction on Blood Donation

    After a lovely Politics tute, it came to my attention about homosexuals and donating blood, and i checked the Red Cross website, and here's what i found. Now, i can see all these things and y they dont want ur blood, u may contract HIV or some other disease that wont show up for a while...
  4. townie

    Upgrading Computer -> Transfering Files

    When ur upgrading ur computer i.e. getting a new one, wats the best way to get all ur files to the new one. I was thinking of using Files and Settings Transfer Wizard, but i dunno if i can trust it, will it move all my personal files (all in my documents) and will it move my mails, it says it...
  5. townie

    State/Federal Relations

    I've had much delight and also anger about the relationship between the states and the commonwealth. i find it funny that it's a conservative govt. whose trying to take away state's rights, esp. wen liberals traditonally want to keep state's rights. i notice the federal government only...
  6. townie

    Rules for Customers

    In light of posts by _muse_ and others, i present customer rules 1. Dont tell me u left ur green bag in the car and expect me to laugh 2. Dont blame me when ur credit card wont scan thru because u've mangled it 3. ask for cash out BEFORE u've entered ur PIN 4. Query the price BEFORE ur...
  7. townie

    Casual or Part time: which is better?

    Which do you think is better, being casual, or being permenant part-time. i havent been PPT yet, but i wanna be, so i know WHEN my hours are, and r the same each weak, yeah, the pay is less, but there's more security, and 4weeks holidays :D. but wat do u think?
  8. townie

    The Woolworths Thread

    So who works for Woolworths (not just the supermarket but also DSE, Tandy, Liquor, BWS, Dan Murphy's) I'm a 'Fresh Food Person' 'Bringing food to life' at a Woolworths Metro (Boronia Park) which provides 'Fine Food Without the Fuss', tho i supply the local community with grog. So woolworths...
  9. townie

    Casual Rates for Big Companies

    CAVEAT EMPTOR: While I have attempted to provide correct figures, I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy of these figures, and they should be taken as a guide to what you can expect to be paid. All rates are correct to 2 decimal places and are the CASUAL RATES FOR ORDINARY HOURS WORKED. All rates are...
  10. townie


    Any else doing GOVT1101? Wat do u think about it? Wat topic u doing 4 the assignment?
  11. townie

    Good System/Good Price

    Hey, i got this quote for a system, and i dont know much about all the diff brands and such, so i thought i shud ask for advice on this system. Intel P4 530 3Ghz CPU, 800Mhz FSB, Gigabyte GA-81915P-G Motherboard 1 Gig DDR PC-3200 RAM (2 Sticks of 512) Gigabyte nVidea G6600 +...
  12. townie

    Do You Support the Death Penalty?

    This was done, but ages ago in 2002, and methinks it's time for another round of discussion, debate and all-round harmless fun. Q: Do you support the death penalty. Me: No, not under any circumstances.
  13. townie

    ne1 work in a bottleshop?

    Does anybody here work in a bottleshop? I do. (woolworths liquor) share ur stories? i get scared sometimes checking ID's when the people look scary, and estimating ages of women is hard?! I hate it when customers get mad wen something isnt in stock, like we have limitless supplies...
  14. townie


    Who decidedes who becomes a member of the benefactors group (oooh, it sounds a lot like an idea i had). Because i wanna nominate a member (not myself). are any more of these special groups gonna be made? thanking you ~townie
  15. townie

    Mobile Trouble

    I got a Nokia 7250 off a friend...and it turns on and everything, but i cant send messages, or call, or anything. (it displays the carrier message i.e. Virgin) i sent myself a message from another phone, and it didnt arrive when i tried calling my phone it said "The Number you are trying...
  16. townie

    less outside study?

    A friend told me that although Science has a higher lectur load than arts, there's less need for outside study 'cause u cover more in class? Is this true would u say? 'cause i wanna work 17hours per week, on top of uni, i wanna know if i can handle it
  17. townie

    Re-applying thru UAC for 2006

    I'm asking this question on behalf of a friend: If u werent happy with any offers this year, can u simply re-apply for 2006 admission and still be considered equally with all candidates, using JUST ur 2004 UAI? Is all u have to do fill out Supplementary form A?
  18. townie

    I Just Got Main Round Offer

    I just got my main round offer, they have been released early!!
  19. townie

    Is the customer always right?

    Do you believe the customer always right? For the most part, u have 2 do wat they say, but sometimes i dont. e.g. at Woolworths Liquor sometimes specials get accidentally left on, and customers always bitch about getting it free/special price, and i'm like "uh, no, sorry, that policy...
  20. townie

    Recognising BoSers

    So how r we gonna recognise each other when we get to ANU. i'm very curious 2 meet Ziff, since he's doing Law (like me) and got the same UAI as me, we should all meet up during 'O' Week, wat does every1 think?