Search results

  1. ajdlinux

    SSTS charges Not that bad.
  2. ajdlinux

    Can schools force subject choice? - the official opinion from the Board

    This question has come up quite a few times, so I emailed the Board last month asking for their opinion. This came in today, with all the nice vagueness that Board letters always have. My interpretation of it is: yes, schools CAN force you to do/not do certain subjects. Hope this clears it up.
  3. ajdlinux

    Worst textbooks

    What's the worst textbook you've been issued with yet this term? (Either size and weight, or content.) So far Jacaranda Physics 2 (I think that's what it is) is the largest textbook I've received since I started at my school at the beginning of this year. It's almost A4 sized and 550 pages...
  4. ajdlinux

    English exam failures

    Anyone else do really badly in their English exam? I ran out of time, so I ended up with basically no Section III (looking at maybe 2/15), and a very, very, abrupt ending to Section II (perhaps 5-8/15). I think I did OK in Section I though (maybe 10-12/15). Overall I'd be looking at 40%...
  5. ajdlinux

    Favourite Students' Quotes

    Post your favourite quotes said by someone in your class this year. This happened in my English class last week: (some student randomly mentions chicken salt) (clueless Canadian teacher's like, 'What's chicken salt?') (we all laugh, then try to describe chicken salt) Student: Sir, what do...
  6. ajdlinux

    Australia 2020 Youth Summit Anyone else here applied to go? Do you think it will be useful or will it just be ignored?
  7. ajdlinux

    Applying for a scholarship

    I'm applying for a scholarship to Year 11 at a private school (St Columba, Pt Mac) this year. One of the questions on the application is: As you can see from my sig I'm looking mostly at iii). Any suggestions what to write? I'm thinking they want a 'what I like, why I like it' type of...
  8. ajdlinux

    Anyone get a strange envelope?

    Today the results summaries arrived, did anyone else get it in an envelope where the flap is on the wrong side? (the bottom, not the top)
  9. ajdlinux

    Assessment ranks and overall mark estimates?

    My assessment rank was 2/4. Knowing my class I would estimate a mark of perhaps 70-80 overall :(
  10. ajdlinux

    Anyone got a paper out?

    Has anyone managed to get any part of the tests out of the exam room? Our supervisors said no part of any paper was to leave the room so I assumed they'd stop me even for taking the non-writing section out. Interestingly in the HSC they have no problem with that.
  11. ajdlinux

    CompSkills - Online or P&P?

    Are you doing CompSkills online or on paper?
  12. ajdlinux

    Assessment ranks, everyone?

    6/11. Sad in a way. Just hope everyone at Karabar DEC did reeeeaaal well.
  13. ajdlinux

    SC 2007 - Computing Skills

    How do you think you went? (Please don't post here until you've actually done the exam.)
  14. ajdlinux

    SC 2007 - Mathematics

    How do you think you went? (Please don't post here until you've actually done the exam.)
  15. ajdlinux

    SC 2007 - Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    SC 2007 - History/Geography How do you think you went? (Please don't post here until you've actually done the exam.)
  16. ajdlinux

    SC 2007 - Science

    How do you think you went? I actually did SC Science in 2005 so I didn't do it today.
  17. ajdlinux

    SC 2007 - English-literacy

    What did you think of the exam? I thought it was pretty good. I managed to reference Linux in it, and also the SC itself.
  18. ajdlinux

    What was your favourite question?

    Which long answer question did you like the most? For me it was pretty close between 21d, 22d and 25c.