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  1. Official

    Kyle and Jackio radio stunt

    +1 This whole event was blown out of proportion by the media. If you actually hear Kyle, you can tell he was lost for words and being stupid as he is, chose the wrong words to respond in the tight situation. Kyle is trained to keep talking in these sorts of situations and he just said whatever...
  2. Official

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: Australian Mathematics Competition The answer to this is 18. 1001 and 1771 are divisible by 7. 2001 and 2771 are divisible by 7. 3001 and 3771 are divisible by 7. So on... Answer becomes 18 (D) Clock face is 45 degrees. Positive fraction + reciprocal = x/60 is 4, Gurmies has the answer...
  3. Official

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: Australian Mathematics Competition Yeh but I did Senior.
  4. Official

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: Australian Mathematics Competition I reckon Distinction = 60 High Distinction = 70 Prize = 80 ish? hopefully
  5. Official

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: Australian Mathematics Competition Apparently this one is 48
  6. Official

    UAI Estimate

    95+ ATAR is definitely within your reach, like many others would probably say after me, you should attempt to raise your English rank and even 97+ is possible.
  7. Official

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: Australian Mathematics Competition That'll get you first in the state. And possibly Australia.
  8. Official

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: Australian Mathematics Competition You'll need to know much more than that for a HD but what Kurt said is true in essentials. General aptitude of maths is also what is of essence to score highly in this sort of competitions.
  9. Official

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: Australian Mathematics Competition Oh shit
  10. Official

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: Australian Mathematics Competition Yah, thats how I did it, was one of the harder questions from 11-20
  11. Official

    Horrible at Competitions.

    Nicely put :cool:
  12. Official

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: Australian Mathematics Competition I wrote how I did it earlier in this post somewhere.
  13. Official

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: Australian Mathematics Competition Heh, yeh I bet you they did lol. Darn if I found out about that then it would have saved me the 5minutes it took me to answer the question :mad:
  14. Official

    Yeh, the Premium features are ok. The only reason I subscribed for a Premium Membership is...

    Yeh, the Premium features are ok. The only reason I subscribed for a Premium Membership is because of the additional resources it offers and also the extra respect you might receive from other members ;P. The amount of additional resources that are offered is really beneficial and will greatly...
  15. Official

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: Australian Mathematics Competition Kurt already answered the rabbit one.
  16. Official

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: Australian Mathematics Competition I got 60.
  17. Official

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: How did people go in the maths comp today? haha, I was reading the question and when the question stated the number "2009" I was just like, I'm not wasting my time there
  18. Official

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: How did people go in the maths comp today? The last 3 were so hard, didn't even bother with them after reading them over.
  19. Official

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: How did people go in the maths comp today? 80 but I think I got somewhere around 75 how bout you?
  20. Official

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: How did people go in the maths comp today? Those are reducible