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  1. Rafy

    UNSW cuts arts faculty jobs THE University of NSW is looking to cut up to 35 jobs in the arts faculty, partly because student numbers are expected to fall as a result of Fred Hilmer's new minimum...
  2. Rafy

    Schools defend right to expel gays A bid to overturn controversial laws allowing private schools to expel students simply because they are gay has been rejected by some faith-based schools as a threat to their religious freedom.
  3. Rafy

    Gov may reinstate cap on uni places
  4. Rafy

    Labor Leadership Spill 2013 (No. 2)

    Julia Gillard has called a ballot for the leadership at 7pm tonight.
  5. Rafy

    Local Government referendum

    At the federal election Australians will also vote in a referendum related to local government. The referendum if passed would amend section 96 of the constitution as follows: Section 96 is currently as follows: As amended, s 96 would be as follows: Do you support or oppose the...
  6. Rafy

    Unvaccinated children banned from childcare centres (Sydney Morning Herald)
  7. Rafy

    ALP Leadership Spill 2013

    It's on. Simon Crean calls for a spill of all leadership positions. Will stand for deputy. Ball now in Gillard's court. If she does not call a vote, there will be a caucus petition circulated to force a caucus meeting. UPDATE: Gillard has called a spill for 4.30pm.
  8. Rafy

    New Pope

    Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina. Regnal name will be Francis I
  9. Rafy

    Employed students now eligible for transport concession Whilst most ignored the employment restriction, you are no longer flouting the law. Masters and PhD...
  10. Rafy

    Pope Benedict resigns
  11. Rafy

    House of Cards

    Anybody else binge watched this yet?
  12. Rafy

    Planned Downtime - New Server

    Bored of Studies will be inaccessible for a few hours from 8am tomorrow (Tuesday 22nd). We are moving to a new server that will improve site performance.
  13. Rafy

    2013 Main round cut-offs
  14. Rafy

    Subject Selections 2013

    Post the subjects you have enrolled/pre-enrolled in for 2013. Our member's subject reviews may provide some help in choosing subjects: Enrolment variations will be avaliable in early February from
  15. Rafy

    UNSW Chatter Thread 2013

    Welcome back to the continuing unswers, and a special greeting to the new faces. For those who don't know this thread serves as a general discussion thread for UNSW students. Please keep all the miscellaneous and off-topic conversation here as well as comments/queries/observations that don't...
  16. Rafy

    UNSW Roll Call 2013

    Welcome to the University of New South Wales forum! Welcome back to all the old hands and special greetings to the new students. State the degree you are doing and the year you are in. Also include your majors if applicable. Please keep general chit-chat to the Chatter thread...
  17. Rafy

    USYD Roll Call 2013

    Welcome to the University of Sydney forum! Welcome back to all the old hands and special greetings to the new students. Please make yourself at home and don't hesitate to contribute or ask questions. For a guide to this forum and a few helpful links, please see the Quick Guide. If...
  18. Rafy

    Post Your 2013 University Offers Here

    Post your 2013 University (UAC, VTAC, internal or otherwise) Offers here! Include the university, the course and anything else you think relevant. Please place enrolment and other university/degree specific queries in the relevant university subforum here...
  19. Rafy

    ATAR 'devalued by use of bonus point schemes'

    University entry score devalued by use of bonus point schemes (SMH) The ATAR, the scaled number which ranks students' HSC mark against their peers, is less important than ever.
  20. Rafy

    Share your 2012 ATAR here

    Share your 2012 ATAR here! University study, applications and other further study options can be discussed in our extensive tertiary education forums. Queries and discussion on UAC preferences and university courses should be directed there. >>> Tertiary education forum UAC Preferences for...