Lies your teachers have told you Vol1: There is no "formula" for prime numbers.
A roughly MX2 level question attached.
PS, quicker ways to derive such formulae certainly exist. As an easier side exercise which involves no modular arithmetic, try to construct a formulae for the n-th prime...
On grid paper, a lattice point is a point which is at the intersection of two perpendicular lines.
Prove by induction or otherwise that a polygon drawn on grid paper with lattice point vertices has area given by:
A = i + b/2 -1
where i is the number of lattice points interior to the polygon...
Anyone up for some multiplayer AoE2? I am horrible at the game but its still pretty fun, especially in big games with teams.
(I use the original game plus this expansion which contains a few more civs and other features and adds HD support, rather than the...
A positive integer is written on a blackboard.
Players A and B take turns subtracting a positive square integer from it such that the result is still positive.
The person who plays the last legal move wins.
There are ~180,000 out of the first 40,000,000 positive integers that result in a win...
Fun little exercise for those with some familiarity with convergence tests for integrals. (A first year university course in calculus should suffice).
$For which real $\alpha,\beta\in\mathbb{R}$ with $\beta>0$ does the improper integral: \\ \\ $\int_0^\infty x^\alpha \sin(x^\beta)\, dx$\\...
People seem to like game theory on here. Here is a nice and simple game that shows some of the mathematics present in poker (beyond mere probability calculations).
Suppose there are three cards in a deck, A > K > Q. Players 1 and 2 are each dealt a card out of this three card deck. Each player...
Ten of Chad O Dude's top crushes are in a large field armed with one shot pistols. Each pair of girls is separated by a distinct distance. Each girl shoots the closest girl to her in an attempt to eliminate the competition.
What is the largest number of women Chad can end up with?
$For an arbitrary sequence: $u=(u_1,u_2,\ldots)$ of complex numbers, define its sequence of differences by: $u'_n:=u_{n+1}-u_n$.\\ Let $u_n^{(k)}$ denote the $n$-th term of the sequence obtained by taking the sequence of differences of the sequence $u$ $k$-times recursively. (So for example...
Stumbled across a pretty funny mathematical drinking game / problem in graph theory posted by someone on Terence Tao's blog:
Say you have a group of n people. The player who is "it" says an integer k strictly between 1 and n+1 and at the same time everyone including this player points at...
a) Find a condition for the cubic polynomial x^3+Ax+B to have three real roots (where A,B are real).
Let R be the region bounded by the parabola x^2=4y and the line y=20.
b) Using a) or otherwise, find the probability of being able to draw three distinct normals from a randomly selected point...
Let a,b,n be positive integers. Prove by induction or otherwise that if n divides a+b and n^2 divides a^2 + b^2, then n^m divides a^m + b^m for all positive integers m.
Chad O. Dude is on a date with a girl at an Italian restaurant. They are sharing a bowl of spaghetti
which contains exactly n pieces. They eat by simultaneously choosing an end of a piece of
spaghetti and sucking it into their mouths, then repeating this process.
Find the probability of Chad...
Attached is a handful of somewhat difficult MX2 level questions written by me for a BoS meat a while back.
Some of you will have seen them before, but I never wrote up solutions here (and don't really have the time to do so now). If you think you have solved any of them feel free to post here...
$A group of $23$ people are in a room.\\ \\ Prove that it is more likely than not that there is a common birthday within the group. (Ie that two or more of them have the same birthday). You may assume that there are 365 equally likely possibilities for each person's birthday.$
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Five hundred pirates stumble across a chest filled with 100 pieces of gold. Being in a hierarchical society, the pirates have ranks #1 to #500. The pirate king (#1) decides on a way of distributing the gold. Eg 50 for him, 50 for #2.
That night, the pirates all take a vote on whether this...