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  1. lyounamu


    With co-op, if you get accepted into, say, marketing, as your another major, can you do any other major or are you restricted to choosing the major that your sponsor wants you to choose?
  2. lyounamu

    cell differentiation and cell specialisation

    they are different things right? People are saying that they are same thing...
  3. lyounamu

    What does it mean by "various representations of familiar experiences"??

    I was looking through some HSC questions and they have this for Educating Rita question (i.e. Into The World) and I have no idea what this is on about. Can someone explain? Thanks!
  4. lyounamu

    Namu has a Question

    there r 4 multiple choice Q in a test. 4 each Q there is a probability of 1/3 that bob answers it correctly. Find the probability that the fourth Q Bob attempts is the 2nd that he answers correctly.
  5. lyounamu

    Good/Bad things about your school

    What are the good/bad things about your school? These are the good things which make me love my school: We literally have some of the best school counsellor, We also have the best Business Studies teachers (probably the best ones in the state), funniest teachers, and also the ones who can...
  6. lyounamu

    Chemistry and/or English (Standard) Tutoring

    I am looking for a chemistry and/or English (Standard) tutor for my friends. I want someone who is highly knowledgeable in Chemistry. Anyone who is interested, please give me a message through Private Message Function or through My phone number is 0434311661 just in case...
  7. lyounamu

    Essay Structure?

    I felt that this thread was appropriate because Belonging essay does not necessarily follow the conventional essay structure. It's not about texts, it's more about this gay concept callled "Belonging". So please don't remove this thread saying that there are threads about essay structure...
  8. lyounamu

    Actuarial Studies - right path for me?

    Ok, here is a deal. Since Year 10, I have been looking at Actuarial Studies as my future career as I have been hearing from people that it is the best course that you can do if you like maths and commerce. At the same time, however, I was advised that this course is only for people who are...
  9. lyounamu

    I feel the need to inform

    that it was proven by my encounter with the Board of Studies personality yesterday that this website is actually patrolled by the Board of Studies...and they also try to find out who you are under particular circumstances. I am fairly sure BOS know who many of us are. For example, they...
  10. lyounamu

    Journeys Question - HELP!

    I am asking this question for the member who has contacted me about this particular task. Since I haven't learnt about this particular task, I thought it would be more appropriate if I ask you guys to help this member out. This is question: Thanks
  11. lyounamu

    Referencing issue

    When you try to reference images do you have to write a full bibliography for each image? It's a bit of issue for me because I have like 70 images which are all from google...I am not how I will come about referncing ALL of them... Or can I just collectively reference them by saying google...
  12. lyounamu

    downloading youtube video

    How do I do that? Is there a program that helps you download video from youtube???
  13. lyounamu

    Learning language

    Hey guys. I am thinking of spending some of my free time to pursue my passion - learning a foreign language. I have 4 languages in mind: Japanese, German, French and Spanish...However, I am not completely sure. What would be the easiest language to learn? THat's because I don't want to...
  14. lyounamu

    Waste production by mammals and insects

    Dot point: Use available evidence to explain the relationship between the conservation of water and the production and excretion of concentrated nitrogenous wastes in a range of Australian insects and terrestrial mammals When I try to talk about this dot point, should I talk about: Ammonia...
  15. lyounamu

    Monitoring procrastination level

    What are you guys aiming for in terms of procrastination level during holiday and afterwards? I am aiming to get my procrastion level to 90% to 5% going out and 5% sleep ratio during holiday. What are your plans? And what are the tips to reduce procrastination? I have got just one tip...
  16. lyounamu

    Professional paper writing

    For HSC Distinction Course task, I am supposed to write a professional paper. I have already finished writing on it however there are few areas that I reckon that I need to brush off on. Okay, here are some of the questions: David (professor) told me to put headings and stuff on the...
  17. lyounamu

    Techniques related to cartoon

    When you try to talk about techniques in cartoon, what are some of the things that you can talk about? E.g. size of the box perhaps? (what is this called in literal term?)
  18. lyounamu

    Italian Fritzl This is totally sickening.
  19. lyounamu

    What's the differnece?

    Between law of independent assortment and law of random segregation?
  20. lyounamu

    What's the difference?

    What's the difference between Counter-cyclical government policies and demand management policies?