Search results

  1. wixxy2348

    2009 Autumn Semester Examination Period

    What's your exam timetable like this semester? Happy with how it's worked out? Annoyed? Ah, how the semester has flown.
  2. wixxy2348

    Accounting Major

    Hey guise :) I'm in my first year of Law/Business. Now originally I had my heart set on doing HR as my major for the business side. BUT I'm finding Accounting Information for Managers awesome and a really good unit. So the question is: How similar is the introductory unit to accounting in...
  3. wixxy2348

    Dear CityRail

    Stop being so shit pl0x. Sincerely, wixxy. Seriously though, does anyone know what happened on east hills line today? Did someone top themselves or something? Need explanation for why trains were cancelled and the rest terminated 2 stops before east hills.. Thus causing me to be late for...
  4. wixxy2348

    Killer Toasters...

    The toaster did it - opinion - 16 March 2009 - New Scientist :eek: Should we be worried?
  5. wixxy2348

    Paddlepop Lick-a-Prize Comp

    I want to win something. But.. so many paddlepops must be eaten before chances increase. Like :eek: Reminds me of primary school.. <3
  6. wixxy2348

    Course Decision Day

    4 to ~7.30 pm on the 5th. Why so late? I'd actually bother going, if it weren't for the time.
  7. wixxy2348

    Law Orientation Camp February 2009

    Is this camp compulsory?
  8. wixxy2348

    Maths & Terminal Velocity

    Technically it's extracurricular, as it isn't a question from school, per se. And I appreciate the beauty and elegance of a squashed meat pie. So I must ask ye BOSers, what IS the terminal velocity of a meat pie? By how great a margin does the terminal velocity of the said meat pie vary...
  9. wixxy2348

    Orange Hands

    But alas, orange they remain. I've scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed, I even made a sort of lemon juice poultice (lemon juice, salt & corn flour) yet they are still a dull-ish orange. Who ever knew that a gradual fake tan (Nivea Body, grr) could so rapidly become fluoro orange. Mind you, it's...
  10. wixxy2348

    Premium Membership

    Hey, just wondering, how long does it usually take for payment to be processed & account to be made a premium account?
  11. wixxy2348

    Priority Offer Scheme

    First off, has anyone received a confirmation letter or email? Alternatively, has anyone received a priority offer already, or know what date offers will be released? Thankies :)
  12. wixxy2348

    ANOTHER another UAI

    Sorry guys I realise loads of people have been flooding the forums with UAI questions.. so I figured if you can't beat them, join them. Estimate... please?? General Maths - Rank 1/66 - Overall mark 97/100 Studies Of Religion (1 Unit) - Rank 10/79 - Overall Mark 43/50 Adv. English - Rank...
  13. wixxy2348

    Transferring after 1st year

    As a few people around might know I REALLY want to get into B Bus&Comm/Laws at UWS (basically coz of it's comparatively low UAI & convenience in travel..) So say I don't hit 90.. and I hit maybe... 82, 83.. and don't manage to get the band 5/6 in Adv English I really want.. Which means I can't...
  14. wixxy2348

    "English Advance"

    It has been killing me but for the last few days I've seen all these youngun's sporting sigs that state they'll be doing "English Advance" next year.. it's "Advanced"... isn't it?? ISN'T IT? Perpetrators: MedKid victoria10 Aznmichael92
  15. wixxy2348


    Sampling... What do you guys think of it? Is it 'stealing' the music of the original artist?
  16. wixxy2348

    Today's CSSA Paper

    I reckon I did alright.. not sure though I don't have a strong vibe towards mega win or mega fail. How did you guys find it? Fair? Easy? Hard?
  17. wixxy2348

    B Laws/B Arts

    I'm keen on doing a B.Arts/B.Laws @ UWS next year.. Anyone have any insight on the course? (in terms of content, etc)
  18. wixxy2348


    I do General Maths, am ranked 1st out of 67 students and have been getting between 98% and 100% on every assessment so far this year (compared with the course mean of around 50-60%). I'm just worried that even if I ace the exam, it'll still scale down. Does anyone know whether or not having...