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  1. Nailgun

    How do I get an "A" grade without reading my texts

    I think I'm in love with you
  2. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    is this what meth does to people
  3. Nailgun

    Motion question

    3 dimensions :) time is a dimension
  4. Nailgun

    How do I get an "A" grade without reading my texts

    you know, I'm actually really really really geniunely curious as to what ATAR eyeseeyou will get
  5. Nailgun

    Motion question

  6. Nailgun

    Cvltural Maxism: Political Correctness/Feminism

    whoops I misread your other post I thought you said "you don't have the bulk physical strength to be violent" soz lel
  7. Nailgun

    Cvltural Maxism: Political Correctness/Feminism

    tbh you're a bit small to be violent :haha:
  8. Nailgun

    Proposed changes to the Mathematics syllabus: Thoughts?

    syllabuses :p
  9. Nailgun

    Suddam Captured

    what happened to you ahaha you started off pree weird now you're actually pree cool lel
  10. Nailgun

    Proposed changes to the Mathematics syllabus: Thoughts?

    I would assume the syllabuses are released well before they are actually used in schools?
  11. Nailgun

    Suddam Captured

    A loong looong time ago.
  12. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    gee I wonder
  13. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    crap you got me
  14. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    actually you added some pree awesome people on snapchat imo thats basically on the same level as achieving a life goal
  15. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    ahah I barely ever put anything on my story im mostly use sc to talk to people
  16. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    rip dw bro im here for you ahah
  17. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

  18. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    :haha: does it work?