Hello and enjoy. =)
Rules are quite simple, post questions then a person responds and then they in turn posts another question.
Q1. Write a function that outputs a right isosceles triangle of height and width n. (Eg when n = 3)
Q2. Write a function to calculate if a number is...
Hello everyone, this is a thread to discuss the awesome game Team Fortress 2. It is a free online shooter made by Valve. Here we discuss all things related to TF2.
Ps anyone want to trade?
Hello everyone,
Remember what it was like playing Runescape with your friends back in primary school? Now, Jagex are considering bringing back the Runescape of 2007 with dedicated servers.
To read more http://services.runescape.com/m=news/2007---old-school-runescape-you-vote Please vote to...
Hello everyone,
I thought the zpass was z(insert long number here) so I ticked "yes I have already created a zpass". This was an error, however there is no option that website gives me to correct this? I followed the instructions to create a zpass but I see no option of "change zpass"...
Hello everyone, a few questions that I would like to clear up.
So my current situation is I am stuck in deciding the right degree, tossing up among these three. (Note: I have read the handbook and the terminology is slightly confusing)
■ Comp Sci/BSc
■ BSc (Advanced Mathematics)
■ BEng/BSc...
Merry Christmas all,
Here's one that you can get your family to think at the dinner table. You may or may not have seen this before. For those who have don't answer.
$(Produces all single digits 0-9, except for 8)$
I'm reading a letter by Bill Pender regarding the BoS Maths syllabus draft.
Edit: Letter is here http://www.angelfire.com/ab7/fourunit/0806BOSSubmission.pdf
Thought I would start this early. Please post questions that are reasonable for Extension 1 level.
Post cool questions that you have encountered, elegant results, answers, help each other, explain, enjoy! Don't be shy boys and girls. :-)
Anyone know the process? What happens after you have contacted the school principal? I believe my English rank is about 40-50 places off comparing with other people.
Due to the lack of reception with my previous thread, hopefully more people will contribute as more SDD students join the forum. Year 12s and Year 11s and anything below and beyond feel free to participate.
I shall start,
An algorithm is required to fill an n by n two-dimensional array of...
Howdy 'der partners,
Good luck for exams tomorrow! :) For those who are leaving BOS after the HSC, been a pleasure working with you guys this year. For those staying, see ya on the other side. ^___^
Hello everyone,
I am currently unhappy with my weight. Suggestions on how I should start losing some weight? My diet is quite unhealthy. Where do I start?
Note: I am about 1.67 m and 79 kg.
Hello everyone, been doing some research word lately on the Adv Maths course UNSW. Could anyone give me some idea of what the "High Performance Student Plan is". All I know is it's by invitation only and the requirements are 97 MX2, 98 ATAR or if you want to join in later years >90 WAM...
Applications due 28th September which I assume would be midnight tonight. So just putting a friendly reminder to everyone. Apply now to save that $119 late fee. I almost forgot too.
Discuss anything about the GF today.
Who will win and why? And by how much?
Sydney 112 to def Hawthorn 96
Go Swannies!
Sydney Swans 14.7 91 DEF Hawthorn 11.15 81
Norm Smith medalist 2012: Ryan O'keefe
Crowd: 99,673
[Please read first]
Hello everyone,
First of all apologies for not replying to some of your messages that you have been sending me concerning past papers. I have been extremely busy with another project. Secondly, I have decided that I will be posting all the past papers myself and friends...