It depends on the MATH you're doing, MATH1110 is offered sem 1 & 2, and the other MATH's are offered first, and STAT is also offered both semesters, so you can split them up. At least I hope you can... I hope I'm not doing something wrong! haha
Oh cool. I'll hopefully be doing a double major of bio and physics :D
Yeah there's not a lot of hours for them, though I'm doing math first semester, then stat in the second. I'm trying to spread out the maths as much as possible, hahaha.
What units are you enrolled in?
How did the High Court come to that conclusion? It seems to me that section 116 clearly creates a separation of church and state... I'm at a loss as to why that happened.
And this thread is asking whether reusing your own ideas is plagiarism, not 'self-plagiarism'.
There's really no room for debate here. Plagiarism has a specific definition, and it does not include reusing your own ideas. I'm not trying to say that it's not allowed, or shouldn't be not allowed...