Wait, aren't you the big hero, the guy that was going to hand out condoms at WYD events and venues. Yeah man, that's a great way to rebel against the establishment. Wow, you're living life on the edge there, you are a fucking idiot.
All that resulted was you punking out and the cops fucking...
Yeah, you're getting overtly defensive because I've figured out what you're all about. You're a kendo tool, a steroetypical commerce student. Wow, you're of Asian descent as well. You also go to UNSW. You are soooo " unique".
You go on and spout shit about how you can't judge personas...
Right, I'm a shit troll, that's why I have been dictating the topic of conversation in this thread for the last few pages. See, your logic and reasoning is retarded at best. You should however care about the fact that you'll be stuck for the next 4 years doing some Faggoty glorifed Comp science...
You've got to be the most boring poster ever. I really hope you are a troll. You're the typical asian, Commerce student, samurai troll. I'm not the one nit picking and going into pedantic detail about sword fighting. Like you have any proof at all, you just keep flooding the thread with your...
Look at you, shinji, the passive aggressive , you do kendo so that you can have an excuse to beat people up with a bamboo sword and you try to pass it off as just a sport. That's a cop out and you know it, there are plenty of other sports out there that DON'T require you to beat people to a...
Politik, you just jump on bandwagons, no original thought of your own. I bet some stupid Engineering faggot suggested that you tranfer into Comp Engineering so your dumbass goes all crazy and makes a dramatically stupid switch. You acted just like the homer follower you are.
Right, that's why it's harder to get into Commerce and you have more choice in majors in the Commerce degree than in Economics. Wow, you are one truly deluded fuckwit. You've been at uni for so long and you still don't know anything.
why is this about which degree is better? Clearly your asian...
I'm not imagining anything. The thing is that you've been drilled countless times by men of all ages. It's just fact.
you seem to have a very good memory and remember it all so vividly.
Says the preliminary year high school chump that lives his weekdays from 8 to 3pm.
Your keyboard should lock up whenever it's directed at a great Pokemon like Charizard.
Yeah, says the guy who intially was doing an Economics degree. You're just a flip flop- hippocrit, now that you've transferred into Engineering you think the grass is greener. Think what you like but you're more restricted with a Computer Engineering degree than with Comm/Law .
You're a...
so you have to pay for sex, it seems that way since you're well versed in the ways of the prostitute ?...what an impotent man you are, Jinpoo. You should probably save the money and use it to get cosmetic surgery on those powerpoint slits you have for eyes.
haha, man we both know your mum...
Just because you disagree with a religion doesn't mean you have to mock it. That just comes off as insecure. I was just thinking of something today. I know that the bible says the earth is only 6,000 years old, but maybe that is just a mistranslation. What I was thinking is perhaps the hebrews...
Who jesus is has been interpreted and developed throughout the centuries and it is impossible to divorce the message and teachings of Jesus from his identity.
i.e., we know what we know now, because ancestors in the faith believed in jesus as the christ, the son of God who is God.
his message...
Yeah, mighty mouse. I'm not the one arguing here. You are, I didn't even post anything about/to you originally. You just stepped in because quite clearly you have nothing better to do. Posting to me is the highlight of your day, running in at a close second is smashing kids skulls in at Kendo...