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    Quick thread -How much derivation in Parametric Equations of Parabola is required?

    Re: Quick thread -How much derivation in Parametric Equations of Parabola is required isn't 3U parametrics just the parabola section of the conics topic?
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    Quick thread -How much derivation in Parametric Equations of Parabola is required?

    Re: Quick thread -How much derivation in Parametric Equations of Parabola is required Yeah J&C, guess that's why they are so easy compared to HSC ext 1 exams, but its good for drilling in... Also 1 minute is really huge in an exam, everysingle seconds counts...
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    Never go to Ukraine

    All I have to say is 3guys1hammer. (FOR YOUR OWN GOOD DON'T GOOGLE IT) The place is filled with serial killers.
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    Black ops has gotten boring...

    Yeah, black ops on PC is especially rubbish, treyarch didn't even bother dealing with the lag issue
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    Your Most Anticipated Movies in 2011

    The Resident Your Highness Limitless Thor Sucker Punch (this one just because of the chicks) Fast Five Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides Kill The Irishman I am Number Four Source Code Green Lantern Dead Awake The Mechanic Hall Pass No Strings Attached Unknown
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    How to tell what he's really after ?

    How'd he react? Did he do the PIMP SLAP THA BITCH thing to you across the face? Or just walk away?
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    The worst time for your graphics card to die...

    I know it's a month old, don't know if you bought a new one already, but for $30 you're not really giving yourself much options. My little brother has a ATI Radeon HD4550, I think it's about $30, and it works fine for him. But what is it you want to do? I don't understand why you can't just use...
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    Black ops has gotten boring...

    I don't know if it's just me, but after playing a shit load of black ops for the past 3 months, i've gotten really bored of the game, and it's just been 3 months, I mean MW2 lasted almost a year for me b4 it got boring, but for BO, it's just 3 months... The strange thing is, COD4 has never ever...
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    external hdd not loading up on laptop?

    Not related to the OP's problem, but HDD's are getting so fucking cheap these days compared to previously, SSD is now the future...
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    Post Your PC Specs

    Re: Post your system specs My pride and joy: Case: Corsair Obsidian 800D CPU: Core i7 980X Extreme Edition 3.33ghz - OC'd @ 4.1 ghz MoBo: ASUS Rampage III Extreme Memory: 12GB Corsair Vengeance RAM (2GB x 6) Graphics Card: Tri- SLI 3 X (GTX580 HC FTW) SSD: 250GB Corsair Force SSD...
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    best youtube vids

    Haha lol I remember watching that a year ago. What was even fnnier was the interviews, black guy was tryin to be way to polite, to the point where he sounded like he was gonna cry xD. And the old white guy fking hilarious, he was making up all these impromptu stories on the spot, lol...
  12. B

    Quick thread -How much derivation in Parametric Equations of Parabola is required?

    Re: Quick thread -How much derivation in Parametric Equations of Parabola is required So say like it says, an equation cuts the parabola x^2 = 16y at P and Q, with parameters p and q. Find the point of intersection of the tangents at P and Q. So would I have to: 1.Solve the two equations to...
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    Quick thread -How much derivation in Parametric Equations of Parabola is required?

    Ok, just wondering, in general, any question you get relating to Parametric Equations of Parabola, what specifics can you simply STATE in your solution, and what specifics MUST you DERIVE in your solution. I.e. I definitely know you have to derive points of intersection of tangents/normals. But...
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    Parametric equations of Parabola - Need help

    pretty damn nice... =) Thanks mate
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    Parametric equations of Parabola - Need help

    I must be missing something here or maybe i'm just a little slow... P=(2ap, ap^2) S= (0,a) PS=sqrt[(2ap)^2 + (a^2)(p^2 + 1)^2)] =a*sqrt(4p^2 + (p^2+1)^2) How do I get PS= a(p^2 + 1)? i.e. how does 2ap = 0? Oh yeah, and thanks deterministic, bored of fail 2, and any other guys that help on...
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    Parametric equations of Parabola - Need help

    Hi guys, here's the question: Q. A secant passes through (0,-a) and cuts the parabola x^2 =4ay at P,Q with respective parameters p,q. pq = 1. If S is the focus, show that 1/PS + 1/QS = 1/a ----------------------------------------------- Anyway to do this without using the distance formula...
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    Quick simple question - What is the difference between to graphs??

    So... is it safe to say that sqrt(f(x)) = |g(x)| wher g(x) is *something* of/to f(x)... I got no idea. could someone please give me a link or a rule that connects the sqrtf(x) to the absolute value of the sqrt... I think I'm getting a bit confused...
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    Quick simple question - What is the difference between to graphs??

    I spelt "two" wrong in the thread title. FML.
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    Quick simple question - What is the difference between to graphs??

    Ok, f(x)=[(x-1)^2]/[x+1] g(x) = [x-1]/[(x+1)^0.5] h(x) = +sqrt(f(x)) What is the difference between g(x) and h(x)? At first I thought g(x) = h(x), but after sketching them on a graphing software, they weren't the same, infact it looked more like h(x) = |g(x)| i.e. - (h(x) is the absolute...
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    Sketching y=[g(x)]/[f(x)] when already given y= [f(x)]/[g(x)]

    xD why the hell didn't I see that, it's so simple lol...