I'm just going over my notes. I don't see a point in doing past papers that don't have solutions, isn't that typical of the Arts faculty?
As for LAW208, I'm pretty confident in what I wrote. Mostly confident of about question 1.
Facebook group! What a joke, it did appear to be completely random. I actually tore mine up in frustration. I have actually reviewed my assignment again on my computer, in light of what Ilija and Susan have said. The problem I have is that, if I had another go at it I would probably get the same...
Opinion and you're entitled to it. I don't think my non-law component (Commerce) is that crash hot, infact I think it is horrendously boring. The lecturers (the one's I have encountered) in some subjects come across as condescending know-it-all's who make it their mission to teach everything bar...
Hey guys
I'm starting to prepare for my LAW204 exam (18th of June), and I was just wondering what past students have done for this particular subject. Did they have a particular method for study and note taking? I'm looking at possibly summarizing each topic/chapter into one page, followed by...
I don't think I've come across any University that has grouped Law and Arts together. In saying that, I personally don't mind and it doesn't really make much of a difference to me.
hehe atleast you passed! Ditto to the frustration feeling :(
I just found that whoever marked and made comments on my paper did not adequately address any of my weaknesses other than 'please go back and re-review'. I could also put it down to the fact that I condensed 2,000 words into 1500 and...
To be honest I'm not really a fan of the 80% attendance rule especially when one is trying to juggle full time work commitments with a full time degree. As Asylum pointed out you really need to read the unit outline and if you have doubts throughout the semester then re-read.
I think the women's room is an excellent initiative.
It's pretty dodgy when you can't find a desk in the library to sit down and do a couple of hours of honest study.
I got my contracts essay back and guess what I totally blew it i.e I got less than 10/20. It's extremely disappointing considering the amount of effort I had put into it, after covering the readings and secondary case material, and desperately trying to condense 2000 words into 1500...
hey guys
I'm doing my court visit sometime tomorrow. Yes I have been listening in my tutes and lectures, but I'm really not sure what I should "look out" for in my court visit. I'm just going to go in there and note what actually happens during my court visit, including general aesthetics...