ugh, no this guy didn't end up getting 100. I know this guy. He went to Syd high and then transferred into Ruse in Yr 11. He would be the type of person who would sound very annoying and cocky btw. He apparently got 99.95, but he lies a lot so he might of gotten 99.90. Who knows?
my advice for english: don't be stingy with the study guides. If they have anything useful buy/borrow them (since there isn't much info on english anyway)
for other subjects buy the macquarie guides -very very useful
I know exactly what you mean. My English Extension texts in Year 11 were terrible - I even thought about dropping it in Year 12. But in Year 12 due to how interesting revenge tragedy is, it became by far my favourite (and best) subject at school.
hello, if you are doing my texts for english advanced (HSC Mark 96) and / or english extension 1 (HSC Mark 50-5th in NSW), please visit my thread:
Thanks and good luck
to get high marks, try to use spohisticated ORM. If you're lazy and choose a simple pop culture text, this gives the marker a VERY bad impression. Use your ORM to be unique and stand out from the rest of the cohort.
i think a powerpoint pres is okay - since it is predominantly a visual text. A film is a visual text, even though it contains a lot of language text (damn postmodern syllabus).
For AOS: (take it from experience)
2 Skrzynecki poems in detail, 1 in passing (most probably to make a nice link with an ORM or Stimulus)
1-2 ORM (depending on time constraints in exam -eg, you finish the creative in 20 mins)
1 stimulus booklet text.
and be sure to INTEGRATE THEM!