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  1. G

    Greece Past Paper Questions

    Re: sparta questions from past papers really sorry, haven't posted before and didn't realise, finally found ancient history greece part, very old postings and I also can't work out how to post, the FAQ re posting talks about formatting etc, not how to post, also can't find the past paper...
  2. G

    Greece Past Paper Questions

    Re: sparta questions from past papers Does anyone have any questions or know where to get notes for option J, 4th Century Greece to the death of Philip of Macedon? Thanks guys, really need you're help! Does anyone know the quote by Arrian, in the HSC 2012 Ancient history, Q 40 part a, for this...
  3. G

    Dux college (tutoring) notes and textbooks for sale

    Hi again, its Julia, as mentioned I'm interested in buying the chem, bio, 3u notes from Dux and the prac notes for bio and chemistry. could you let me know re price and how you want it transferred and how to contact you or email. many thanks : )
  4. G

    99.90 |Chemistry trial questions sorted to dot point + answers

    Interested in chem notes all 3, plus shipwrecks, how can I buy these? thanks.
  5. G

    Dux college (tutoring) notes and textbooks for sale

    Sorry, just worked out how to reply to you. I'm interested in buying the chem, bio, 3u notes from Dux and the prac notes for bio and chemistry. could you let me know re price and email contact. Not sure how to contact you and transfer money, do you accept pay pal? Jess
  6. G

    Dux college (tutoring) notes and textbooks for sale

    Interested in buying notes, how do I contact you? Jess
  7. G

    James Ruse 2013 Graduate 99.95 ATAR |SELLING NOTES AND ESSAYS|

    ps and how do I contact you, do you have an email? what are payment details? Julie
  8. G

    James Ruse 2013 Graduate 99.95 ATAR |SELLING NOTES AND ESSAYS|

    Hi Steven, great achievement, well done! I'm interested in your chemistry notes, also do you have any prelim notes? best wishes, Julie
  9. G

    FOR SALE: HSC Engineering Studies Notes - Digital Copy

    Yes I'd be interested in these notes