ok cool thanks=]
and another thing..can we argue against the qstn (disagree)
e.g. this one
'society moves ahead and the law limps behind'
discuss this statement in relation to continuity and change in the law as it applies to family members...
(do i only have 2 talk bout law reform in this qstn?)
whooooo knows/........
what on earth is this CASE STUDY thing in world order about..................................................................................................................e.g. east temor and yugoslavia....(nythn else)...
can sum1 pls help me out with this crime qstn:
using an example, explain how the law adresses issues concerning the rights of victims, the accused and the community in relation to crime...
i don't get what its asking for and where in the syllabus does it come?
focus topics: family and world order..
so basically we should always talk about the effectiveness of the law??
is there like a state your issue, refer back to law (process/set of steps)...sort a thing for legal like there is 4 english?? (to remember evrythn u must include?)
for these...
thanks guys:D
so basically we should always talk about the effectiveness of the law??
is there like a state your issue, refer back to law (process/set of steps)...sort a thing for legal like there is 4 english?? (to remember evrythn u must include?)
for these questions, what do i need...
does anyone else find that the focus questions aren't that straight forward
there is usually a twist, which makes it hard to know the exact dot points we have to include...
does any1 have any tips for this problem...my options are family and world order...im scared i'm gng 2 get a question...
how many themes are required...?
i.e. social heicrchy..marriage
do we only have to have 2?
also does any1 have tips on answering to different text types ....