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  1. Peeik

    Difficult 2u integration of exponentials - HELP please

    Did you make a typo in the question? Are there meant to be brackets around the exponent on the exponential??
  2. Peeik

    Trig help!

    Um, i made a little mistake.....look at my edited post above.....i put a 2 when its meant to be a 4. I just did it on paper and you should get the right answer.
  3. Peeik

    Trig help!

    Although this is posted in the 'mathematics' section....I can only think of doing this question using results learnt in 3u. You are a 3U student according to your sig yeah? If so then: Sin 2θ = 2sinθcosθ Then use the triangle you found in the first part and sub it in above to get your answer...
  4. Peeik

    WARNING to all students look for tutors. Most are greeedy, too expensive.

    That is an insult to my entire career. Passionate teachers don't do it for the holidays. In fact most teachers use those holidays to create lesson plans for the next term, marking assignments and preparing exams. Dont be so ignorant and assume we do it for the holidays.
  5. Peeik

    Decimal Places

    Consider 1.3567 which has 4d.p. and 5s.f. plus 0.6 which has 1d.p and 1s.f. When you add the two together you get 1.9567 but you must leave answer to one dp so it should be 2.0 which has 1dp and 2sf. If you were to multiply the two numbers together u get 0.81402 which will be 0.8 because it...
  6. Peeik

    Decimal Places

    I thought for sciences its always as follows: If you are adding or subtracting up two numbers together you take the lowest number of decimal places. If you are multiplying or dividing two numbers to take the lowest number of sig figs. This is strongly emphasised particularly when you do...
  7. Peeik

    Writing Notes Vs Downloading Notes

    Basically it goes like this: Using multiple textbooks and resources and making your own notes = remembering the concepts for a long period of time Using someone else's notes = remembering concepts for at most a week unless you constantly read them over.
  8. Peeik

    Physic's textbooks

    I think you should always use more than one resource (if you hav access to them) because it builds your understanding even further.
  9. Peeik

    Maximum displacement? Maximum velocity? (SHM)

    Yeah i reckon the signs are important because both velocity and displacement are vector quantities which need both a magnitude and direction. Had the question asked for speed, then you neednt bother with the signs.
  10. Peeik

    logs question

    That is the easiest 3 marker question ive seen....
  11. Peeik

    Refraction Question

    No. You must include a change in medium in that definition otherwise your definition can mean many other things. The answer should be C.
  12. Peeik

    Transferring from USYD to UMELB.

    Hey you're doing the same degree as me haha! Why do you want to move to UOM?
  13. Peeik

    Should i do MX2?

    If you like math and are doing well and you dont pick MX2, i swear you will regret it at the end of the year. Dont make the same mistake that I did.
  14. Peeik

    Um it has been a while, but im pretty busy for he next few weeks with assessments and stuff so...

    Um it has been a while, but im pretty busy for he next few weeks with assessments and stuff so mb its worthwhile asking the forum for help. Cheers
  15. Peeik

    Q: "A small object with a charge of 12uc. q = 1.2 * 10^-5 , whats the units for columbs?" A...

    Q: "A small object with a charge of 12uc. q = 1.2 * 10^-5 , whats the units for columbs?" A: Um...your question doesnt make much sense. I think you got the terms alittle mixed up. If a small object has a charge of 12uC, then this is the same as 1.2*10^-5 C. The units for charge is Coulombs...
  16. Peeik

    Differentiation/Intergration using exponential - Sorry to spam questions

    (sorry a little off topic here) Does anyone know how to put pictures like the OP did in their post so that it is visible and wasnt a hyperlink? Mine keeps becoming a hyperlink :(
  17. Peeik

    Q: "The number of field lines determine the magnitude of strength of electric fields, why is...

    Q: "The number of field lines determine the magnitude of strength of electric fields, why is this? " A: It is by definition that the more field lines you have, the stronger the electric fields. It is just a way for us to show to the marker that there is a stronger electric field. Q:"Why is the...
  18. Peeik

    However by looking at the second equation E=V/d (i think you made a typo because u said E=v/q)...

    However by looking at the second equation E=V/d (i think you made a typo because u said E=v/q), this tells me alot more about the electric field. In fact, it defines an electric field more succinctly. This equation tells me that the electric field strength is defined as the potential difference...
  19. Peeik

    I'll start with the equation E=F/q. The way i like to remember it is (by making F the subject of...

    I'll start with the equation E=F/q. The way i like to remember it is (by making F the subject of the equation) F=qE. This tells me that if you have a charged particle (e.g. electron) and you place it in some electric field, it will experience a force given by F. So the equation E=F/q can be...
  20. Peeik

    Accelerate in Physics+Chem

    You might want to ask fizzy_cist who is a member on the bos. He runs alot of the year 11/12 physics stuff and has a good reputation. Look for him.