thnx for ur advice, guys
yeah sorry, i was wrong bout the LLM thing. I mustve been really tired and misread "graduate LLB" as LLM. "Graduate Law (LLB) From 2010 the Graduate Law degree at UNSW will no longer be offered. "
u guys are right. i dont know what i want to do yet. Practicing the Law...
but if ur looking to do med
even at uws, where it is 'rough and dangerous"
u might wanna consider picking up some chemistry physics and Mathematics
hey for you that are familiar with the english system
is 99.95 atar = straight a's ?
even though i reckon australia's system is so much easier.
oh and with 99.95 atar would u have a pretty good chance at oxbridge?
Re: Why are ATAR cutoffs at University of Western Sydney far lower than USYD and UNSW
same reason as why an actuarial studies degree has such a low atar requirement ~96 at unsw ~ 95 at ANU 97 at MQ? even though its one of the hardest
demand and supply
with credits and distinctions, if you are dux at school and u have shitloads of extra curricular activities or u are state/national level at someting then apply for ruse
if not.
1. nsb
2. girra
3. caringbah
4. ryde secondary
which is better, if you're purely looking for the work experience
cadetships make you study part time and lengthens the time of your degree to 4 years. and dont allow you to do a double degree.
and also how many years does it take to get the CA ? do your cadetship years count as part of...
do the subjects u learn with a degree majoring in financial mathematics/quantitative risk/statistics from a B Sc gain you exemptions from the actuarial exams? Or are they in any way related, like you would have less material to learn afresh, should you decide to make a switch to the actuarial...
Hi everyone.
I've seen the new? graduate law degree "Juris Doctor" (adopted from the US system) offered at UNSW UTS Monash Melbourne etc.
UNSW says it's aimed at non-law graduates and it is a full -time 3 year program but you can accelerate it full time and complete it in 2 years if u...
do actuaries have the opportunity to move into the corporate sector i.e. business management.
or do they pretty much remain in consultancy
ALSO, would doing an actuarial/accounting or actuarial/finance or actuarial/ econometrics double major help with a career as an actuary.
And would work...
Re: Best Physics Textbook?
i dont think young&freedman would be good. its a university textbook
i presume the guy was asking for a hsc textbook
i recommend the excel physics