yeah might fb, msn and put in bos sig if its 99+ however otherwise I might keep it to myself.
When asking others especially if you know you're going to get a mark significantly higher than someone else, just make sure your reaction to their atar is something positive that would not hurt their...
tutoring can also be for smart students who want security in that they are learning everything and not missing out on details. Everyone is bound to have problems in their courses, particularly in maths and sometimes teachers have to draw a line. Sometimes this occurs in English as well. Its...
Now thats quite an interesting case. Would this rank increase dramaticaly improve your chances of your desired course? If it does not then i'd probably just report it because you might be ruining someone else chances of getting into their dream course.
I reckon this is just one of those things...
Some people did that in my school as well but it was a little too late to have a major impact on their other subs.
10 units is a good idea if you feel you are an allrounder looking for 89/90 in each sub you do and want to ensure you actually get 90+ for each of them. If you use those extra...
Are they meant to not tell us our final ranks or any cumulative ranks, say H/Y and so forth? Which schools don't give them their final ranks in their final report? I know we could get a copy of our trial rank and our final rank if we chose but everyone at least got their final rank on their report.
I only know the one guy from Aloys but it seems guys from the graduating 09 class are pretty tight. The school as a whole is pretty good. The students perform pretty well so I'm guessing the teachers are decent. They seem to be ranked in the top 50 schools which is another good sign. One thing...
who knows, it might and it might not. Even if it does, you should ensure that you can study at home. I know many people who just do nothing at school but when they get home they are VERY focussed. Try to adapt to the situation. If the class is disruptive and generally unresponsive to the...
a lot of people do an accelerated course in yr 11 and there prelim marks suffer a bit. When yr 12 starts however, most have the extra free time and then it shows on their marks. Most of these people improved on their ranks. That being said, my ranks were pretty consistent, some going up by a few...
one thing I didn't mention is that its easier to somewhat remove more silly mistakes if you do more practice papers. The more you do, the earlier you can identify trends in your silly mistakes and then hopefully rectify them.
Oh really? I thought the only thing you weren't allowed to know was your internal mark because then you could somewhat understand the moderating system. Then again some teachers reveal this as well haha.
tbh i had a lot less fun in yr 12 than I did in yr 11. Actually 2008 on the whole just felt like a better year than 2009. I mean I lost contact with a few people from my own school just because I had to try and focus a bit more on the future. Academically wise, it was nice rocking up to yr 11...
tbh I had a similar problem in that I never ever got 100% in a yr11/12 test. What was more heartbreaking was losing a whole mark for not putting a "+C" and ending up getting 99%. IMO not finishing the paper is a lot more disheartening then silly mistakes. They happen. Despite what other people...
Only thing is make sure you do this process regularly and don't do what I did at the start and pretty much went make notes, memorise and a couple of past papers the night before the exam. This should actually be like a weekly procedure if you want to get the most value out of it.