Oh My Gosh man. You guys are so smart at Maths, im in year 11 as well and i just tried and self teach myself basics of Complex Number. :'( Completing against you guys in Extension 2 Maths gives me shiver.
Also, how much hours do you guys study daily?
I'm from Sydney's South West Region. I just need to ask; do you know any good websites or stores which i can purchase HSC textbooks?
I have tried: www.textbookexchange.com and it just takes so long for people to reply and some dont reply at all.
I have tried the 'sell' section of...
but in my position, i dont even know the basis of the year 12 topics. i have no idea of year 12 2 unit topic, how do i even do 4 unit? how'd you learn how to do integration?
I just wanted to ask some questions about the 4 unit maths course. My school is poorly ranked and is not quite as good. I was to choose 4 unit then i guess, i would be the only one doing it. Would this really matter?
I did a 3 unit topic test on; circle geometry (I HATE CIRCLE GEO) and...