Can you guys please tell me raw marks for each subject to be getting into state ranking?
Math adv?
Math ext1?
Math ext2 btw what is ususally the highest score each year?;)
I know i have plenty of time to study but i just want to know
Cheers n good luck for 2012ers HSC!!
Hello guys i heard in one of bos forum that you can get like 500 past papers for each subject. Where can you get them and if you are selling them i wish to buy them pls PM me cheers
I need Mth 4 unit and 3 unit
Hello it's not that i actually did my HSC internal but can you estmate my atar assuming its real ^^ cheers :)
English advanced (10/ 112)
Math 3 unit (1/71) - I ve done hsc past papers and got about 82-83 out of 84 for most of them
Math 4 unit (1/24)
Chemisry (1/97) - Also out of 75 marks...
what do you mean by papers?
Personally i found that Cambridge 3 unit text book has really good questions with Binomial, they are really challenging and interesting and also exam like as well!
Well first of all you need to find the equation of the tangent.
the parabola equation can be differentiated to y' = 2x/4a
therefore when you sub x = 2ap to find the gradient of the tangent
m = p
using gradient and a point formula
(y-ap^2)/(x-2ap) = p
thus y = px - ap^2 (after...
Definitely Cambridge 3 unit, even though it doesnt have full answers it has wide range of intermediate to challenging questions which will further help you extend your skills in Math. Challenging questions are really!!!!! hard so either you spend hours doing them or you can go through them with...